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The Alpha's Dynasty

Chapter 4 Friendship

Word Count: 1381    |    Released on: 04/12/2022

of my coffee and installed the mug back on the table. “It hasn't even

wary of her. At first, she was too nice to me in a way that came of

nt,” Anna, my best friend shrugged an

like safari ants whose lines has been tampered with. “Almost everyone at work acts like I'm invisible now. They're all over Kim and it's annoying. What annoys me most is the fact

rt to find out that Kim didn't like me as the feeling would be mutual. I preferred

the men drooling over

t have to make it so obvious, though. She walked in today while I was giving my presentation and everyone turned to look at her. I had to keep quiet for a few seconds. Those stup

, my friend. I love you and all but I think you're fretting over nothing. The girl is y

nger. “I expect them to act like she's a

ng anything and that in

ring you with my silly problems. You

ad planned for me. Since I couldn’t talk about that, I had to t

or a while?” Anna said, plac

ng about her before she gets me into

My friend raised her brows

e who requested for an assistant so I'

wouldn't want to get

p talking about it. It'

t as you sound,” Anna chuck

, laughing. “You're so an

probably suffering from mid-life crisis and they’re probably all interested in taking an advantage of that


corners of her eyes crinkl


blished career, and she’s a fresh graduate, looking for all possible ways to be empl

mpany and I deserve some respect, you know. That’s all I needed. I’m

her cup. “You don't understand anything. The fact t

to the presentation I spent sleepless n

y issue. Why am I sti

n best friends for two years. I knew she loves me as

a chair next to me. “You look like you want

my head. I did not want Harry to kno

d in, smirking at

derstood that if she made one more sarcas

oving herself from the conversation. Now, that was my friend who I l

n you're angry?” Harry asked, grinning at me

. I had heard it in a thousand romantic comedies and teen movies. “That's such a cliché line. You

inked at me then sig

as if I believed it. His compliments, howeve

that aside, how do you like working with K

re was no way on earth I'm revealing my true

o his eyes with a smile, daring him to

about her so far. Besides, she's hot

ace at the compa

lied with a

s, still lo

t he might be able to tell my true feelings about Kim. Like

phone and raised eyebr

said. “I know you're not happy workin

e then, Harry. I always a

ting her hand around my shou

ed Harry. “Anna k

ly rubbing my back. He was laug

them. If I had known what life was about to

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