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Swindle The Mafia Tycoon

Swindle The Mafia Tycoon

Author: AuthorTMA

Chapter 1 1. Harris Carter is back to the country

Word Count: 1672    |    Released on: 24/10/2022

ered so as everyone could adjust papers on their

a distance. He was known worldwide for buying and shutting down a perfume company because he wan

ck pullover, his ? demarcated his falling brown hair from his face, hiding his eyes.

xplained his q

followed him behind with his briefcase, as they made their entrance straight into the elevator without even making eye contact

ess which controlled many big industries in and out of the country, such as; oil, food, banks, etc... They were into every business

end on earth, so he wanted his grandson to take over the family business befo

anyone around here right now. I feel like someone wants to s

g as soon as his grandso

diving into business?” With that his grand

turned to face the secretary, Sean, who was standing jus

ter family from the day he wa

in and eventually adopted him. He grew alongside H

ooked at Sea

anizer or has he fo

ghed and

will change his mind.” Then he added, “If t

n Harris

, — not in this life. All those girls are only after my money, f

going to refuse food because of a girl.” H

wildest dream


e organized about 70 dates and it never worked

im a gentle tap

ast time and I will never bother you again.” Mr C

last time and here we are

e man to another man.” He kept on insisting unt

st one grandpa, don’t forget, — th

by a glance. Harris didn’t care about being in a committed relationship since for him, no lady was worth

ot fitting into any story. He was a business- oriented person and hated any form of failure. Though he acted tough and difficult to please

ter school, a feared bully followed Sean and beat him up. Sean had bruises all over. He was in pain, yet he did nothing. He was too scared for that. The

ok them to school. There, he pulled the bully to the back of a building and he opened his bag, send

even vowed to himself never to fall in love or get married. However, he decided to go on a dat

one in the Van froze as

ore minutes?” Dave

utes,” Samm

pted, you better put it here something about it). After Saya’s dis

iya” Dave shrieked a

You can leave if you wish.” Aliya

dea of who he is, how powerful his family is or what he might do to you if he happens to find out... huh? That is Mr. Carte

anymore and I know what I’m do

he said “And more to that, we have

ely four!”

k you should leave with your bad energy out of here. I don’t need that a

ecurity is something thrilling, not to talk about how much we

tinued pressing butt

ate, what about you?” Dav

without any second thoughts. “Six minu

up and is about to t

rom a distance as he walked in with his hands in his pockets, dressed in a black suit

he only array of light, it was like he was the only person in the restaurant at th

away. She was in a tran

u there?” Sammy aske

my, I’m here”

only two mins and you ar

I’m fine now,” she said. Nate

w what to do and now it’s time to start doing it. Th

” she r

head glued on his phone whe

with shock. He was blown by h

randfather was right ab

She presented herself and for

woman’s beauty and his brea

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1 Chapter 1 1. Harris Carter is back to the country 2 Chapter 2 2. Harris meets Sandra, Oupps! Ain't her3 Chapter 3 3. Nate gets blackmailed to snitch 4 Chapter 4 4. After the date with Harris5 Chapter 5 5. Sandra gets mad at Harris 6 Chapter 6 6. Harris and Sandra meet again7 Chapter 7 7 - Harris is excited about his date 8 Chapter 8 8 - The entanglement 9 Chapter 9 9 Regrets or No regrets 10 Chapter 10 10 - New appearance of Liya; Aliya 11 Chapter 11 11. Dave apologizes 12 Chapter 12 12. Why do you look so familiar 13 Chapter 13 13. Sammy, at school 14 Chapter 14 14. Slow water15 Chapter 15 15. What are you doing here 16 Chapter 16 16. Saya17 Chapter 17 17. Sister Christine 18 Chapter 18 18. White garments19 Chapter 19 19. 20 Chapter 20 20.21 Chapter 21 2122 Chapter 22 22.23 Chapter 23 23.24 Chapter 24 24. 25 Chapter 25 2526 Chapter 26 26.27 Chapter 27 27. 28 Chapter 28 28. Saya Why 29 Chapter 29 29. New assignment30 Chapter 30 30.31 Chapter 31 31.32 Chapter 32 32. 33 Chapter 33 33.34 Chapter 34 34. The winner 35 Chapter 35 35. Harris36 Chapter 36 36.37 Chapter 37 37.38 Chapter 38 38. The projects39 Chapter 39 39. 40 Chapter 40 40.41 Chapter 41 41. Sandra42 Chapter 42 42. 43 Chapter 43 43.44 Chapter 44 44.45 Chapter 45 4546 Chapter 46 46. Driving school 47 Chapter 47 47. 99 for lies, 1 day for the truth 48 Chapter 48 48. Trip to the city of lovers (Paris)49 Chapter 49 49. Playing Games50 Chapter 50 50. Somebody 51 Chapter 51 51. Paris’ Chief 52 Chapter 52 52.53 Chapter 53 5354 Chapter 54 54.55 Chapter 55 55.56 Chapter 56 56.57 Chapter 57 57. 58 Chapter 58 58.59 Chapter 59 5960 Chapter 60 6061 Chapter 61 6162 Chapter 62 6263 Chapter 63 6364 Chapter 64 64. 65 Chapter 65 6566 Chapter 66 6667 Chapter 67 6768 Chapter 68 6869 Chapter 69 6970 Chapter 70 7071 Chapter 71 7172 Chapter 72 7273 Chapter 73 7374 Chapter 74 7475 Chapter 75 7576 Chapter 76 7677 Chapter 77 77.78 Chapter 78 78. 79 Chapter 79 79.80 Chapter 80 80.81 Chapter 81 81.82 Chapter 82 82.83 Chapter 83 83.84 Chapter 84 84.85 Chapter 85 85.86 Chapter 86 8687 Chapter 87 8788 Chapter 88 88.89 Chapter 89 89.90 Chapter 90 9091 Chapter 91 9192 Chapter 92 9293 Chapter 93 9394 Chapter 94 9495 Chapter 95 9596 Chapter 96 9697 Chapter 97 9798 Chapter 98 9899 Chapter 99 99100 Chapter 100 100