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The Shopkeeper's Secret

Chapter 3 This makes no sense

Word Count: 1186    |    Released on: 26/10/2022

her. He had a tower of bo

eb! Where

aw the man with the silver hair. “Oh, hello. Sorry about that. Welcom

ggled a

finally knew her name,

he man. “I’m Caleb the owner of this fine establishment and this young lady here is my baby sis

just met the guy. He

oved into the neighbourhood and I don’t know a lot of peopl

uent area, no question about it. Number 10 however, was about the most affluent of properties. Anyone who tr

George,” Caleb said, trying his best to

ge hesitate

ed to hide the lust in his eyes and pretended to listen to all the stories Caleb was telling him about how they had tried to jump the

nd that. Would your sis

he had let the mask drop. The way Caleb

iveries made.” Caleb went on to explain that for his sister’s safety, she only

“Such a delicate flo

r, dad would kill me.” With a serious face he added, “Then

sense of devotion was beginning to form in his very being. He allowed himself one more glimpse of A

lady fill her shopping basket. He could see all of her now, even though her back was to him. He could see the soft mounds of her hips and buttocks, firm and strong. Once again he lon

was getting dark outside and he almost skipped with glee when he realised that he could continue to watch Alex from a dark patch near the parking lo

was afraid he might break it. Realising he didn’t even want it anymore,

muttered under his b

ouldn’t see Alex from there. He needed to come back to Paradise tomorrow. He needed to s

. He had bedded hundreds and had relationships with a dozen, but never had he been so instantaneously obsessed with anyone as he was beginning to realise he was with Alex. H

aned against the wall. He needed to get into his house, but he just didn’t want to stop thinking about her, not even for a second. He just stood there and let it happen. It was quite dark now, so he faced the wal

n with a woman. No more than a few days, anyway. This did not make sense. When he was done, he stood th

f his massive property and the guards let him in without a word. Unlike the passers-by on the road, the guards had seen everything through the night-vision cameras mounted every few feet on the wall. Ha

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