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After reincarnated as Monster in Another World

After reincarnated as Monster in Another World

Author: Honvax

Chapter 1 After the end

Word Count: 1374    |    Released on: 24/10/2022

Believes af

tion after death. There wo

so called after death? I was falling into darkness and facing the glowing light. I

I d

ing and I believed. For the rest of my life, I was seeking the end called death. If

aint before was glowing. The becoming overwhelm of the light was pulling me into it seem to be void. The pressure of graviting make me bring

orcing my eyes to open strength all I had. Everything around me turned into bright blurring and forcing me to shut down every time I try. Imperceptible sounds charging me dizzy. Everything I try to say was muddy as It seem howling. 'Rel

long rods like magic wand. At that, I thought I was in the somekind of village. Not completely sure as I was in the cave and glowing blue light crystals everywhere. The cave was dark and silent as so maybe night. But fainty fainly lights everywhere seemed to be glowworms was giving the light as enough. The only fact I had was

he men o

d at it . Wha

all my hear

t did he

en with robe come out

credulity strength and indefinitely health when you eat


emed there was nothing look like monster to me. As so I feel clam and the only left to do was to face that men and try to say something. I br

ad ,

r I hear from my mouth. The shock ma

sound f

ho of the sound clearly I hear was forc

. The rest men with robe muffled something like praying or invoking something. Surprisingly, flow of wind around t

doing? Where

orgot to question what I was being. For the answer, All I need to do

they looked to me. The men was ten time higher than me. My body feel small. And I couldn't feel normal as le


g sad and worries and the burning one called "Fear" surged. M

ere. Small and Slimy were correctly described me. The ground I was touching with was broad flat figured Leg. From my head to that broad flat called leg, seemed to be rectangle. Ther

nd fears, I ca



epeat. I beg a

from m



ut and men with sw

e and Back there, I was always cry. What did I do? What did I do worng. Is

f red, the black color, spill over everywhere. And To my face, I coul

ront of them small very sharp ice like spike appeared like the

he voice of my cry was making me blast the whole body. The pains I couldn't endure was killing agian and again. The howling I was

if middle of body become hol

saw one of man rai

urts. Don't d


believes a

tion after death. There wo

muffled vo

Don't k


upposed to

was also ca

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