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Infatuted with his unwanted luna queen

Chapter 3 Mountain of Lies

Word Count: 1184    |    Released on: 27/10/2022


f spite, such lowly behavior in my life, but I know now why she is doing it. I ran to her, trying to stop this d

and I are torn apart, she releases the blade, leaving the bloody tip of the knife in my hands now.

n crimson. “She said she was going to disfigure me, Herol

he tricked me up here and set this up to look like I a

eaffirms, faking tears and

,” I pant, looking around this island of a rooftop.

ction, she’s right. Even knowing the truth of this situation, I can’t deny that it look

his low,” Herold growls. “Hurt my

ense. Our house is littered with cameras but this rooftop, this blin

help and receiving nothing back in reply. The stress of this horrible day

For a minute, I thought it would be recipro

de. As brother of the Alpha who despises me, I half expected him to hurt me. Instead, he brushes a hand down my sh

including my brother’s relapse of illness. I’ve seen Eugene a lot the past few

sing to continue payment of my brother’s medical expenses as long as I stayed on his good

ying to ignore the stress of

s not. Are you s

body ready to collapse. “I’ll be fine

tment.” Eugene shakes his head, just as hurt as I am unsurprised. “I vowed as a healer to pr

nto a tight embrace. I would sob if I had any tea

her wounds. She is enjoying the attention but Herold is distracted com

go… thanks ag

e happens tonight. I can’t take any more of this. I practically run from

e, in bed, crad

ure my baby. “I’ll p

ed by the sight of Herold in the doorway, his breathing ragged and his face flushed bright red

y nightstand, the prenatal medication I

ur bastard of a

know the truth. You

at the seams, “Is

ungs void of

etting him impregnate you with a bastard child! You

those nights you came in here, furious and needing a release, that is how I got

marrying, not even f

“You’ll see her lies. You’ll see how easily manipulated

cia has told him, then he wouldn’t look so betrayed. I feel an ounce of glee at his sad

erything he is now. If he is so easily manipulated, then maybe he isn’t worth the unco

divorce papers,

ing from the room at once. I knew it would bother him. He’s so used to playing dirty, a trick Alicia has weaved into h

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