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Four Girls at Chautauqua


Word Count: 2621    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

y arranged themselves in the cars for their all-day journey conveyed four different impressions to the critical looker-on. In the first place they each select

dozens-but one who attracted her, who was elegantly dressed and stylish looking. Flossy would endure being crowded if only the person who did it was stylish. Miss Wilbur was indifferent to the whole race of human beings; she cared as little as possible whether a well-dressed lady stood or sat; so far as she was concerned they were apt to do the former. She neither frowned nor smiled when the time came that she was obliged to move; she simply moved, with as unconcerned and indifferent a face as she had worn all the due. As for Eurie Mitchell, she took an entire seat, as she did most other things, from pure heedlessness; any one was welcome who

histle shrieked a warning that the station

ls had grown weary of the separate seats, and by dint of much planning and the good-natured removal of two fellow passengers to other seats had

was a common enough manner in Miss Erskine, "are we to

redly have a 'regular' dinner, as you call it. I have

rocess for all that," Eurie said, laug

rt on this trip for the purpose of studying

Opposition always decided her. So it did Flossy, though in

ogether," she began in a doubtful tone, look

ng, which of the two worse things are you going to do?" This Miss Erskine said with utmost good nature, but

as if she feared that she might appear foolish in the

or Marion to choose her comp

d up a pap

paper. This is decidedly an improvement on the bag dinner (which you think of going after) in an economical point of view; and as I am a student of social and all other sorts of econom

ade a g

if I had only thought of such a thing," she said,

ey are elegantly put up," Flossy said, regretfully, as she

's set the two girls left

ladies to die that season?" Eurie said, looking after the pretty little doll as she gathered her skirts ab

fashion for ladies to die at all seasons; it is the one thing that never seems to go out.

d at her th

eligious-sometimes," she said, grav

ughed imm

between goodness and wickedness. Why, that was one of my wickedest remarks, and here you are mistaking it for goodness. My dear child, run a

summer afternoon began to wane; the cars were crowded and uncomfor

ey chanced to come in contact with had been full of the delights of that region for many months; and, indeed, a young man, earnest, enthusiastic and sensible, who

ther; she knew how many boats were on the lake, and what kind of fish could be caught in it, but the most direct way to reach it was a minor matter

many smart ways of saying it, that Chautauqua was a myth of Eurie's brain, or that she had been the dupe of the fine young theological student who had chanced her way and that the search for paradise would come to naught, perhaps it was not all joking;

to change cars; "and here we are making another change. This is the third this afternoon, or is it the thirteenth? and who knows where Brocton is or what it is

ie said, as they climb

at building yonder; t

able to say. I think we

ce we started I m

or weariness. Camp-stools abounded, with here and there a bundle looking like quilts and pillows. Every lady had a waterproof and every man an umbrella, and the talk was of "tents," and "division mee

fter all," Marion whispered, "or else this is another party of lunatics as wil

he unknown tongue yelped something at either door, and th

shade of anxiety in her voice. She had been the leader of

ded as much like any other word you happen to think of as it did like that, but eve

s falling. Oh, the lavender suit! and her waterproof tucked aw

unk, so it is handy; and it has rained on my old alpaca for ages; can't hurt that,

nybody would rather go to a place to which they had been decently invited than to be elbowed and yelled at and forced. Water and rest and tea did much to restore them to comfort, and as they discussed matters in their rooms afterward they assured each other that the Mayville House was just the place to stop at. A discussion was in progress as

nough if I were not so dead tired. But I tell you, girls, I have had to work like a soldier to get ready, and having the care of such a set as you have been all day has been too much fo

such delicacies, I get by writing up folks and things. I've promised to give a melting account of this first meeting, and I have no idea of losing the chance. Flossy Ship

looking drearily out into the night, "

is there to be afraid of? We g

med in a voice from the rock

e," pleaded Flossy, who di

ave the least idea of coaxing those other girls to go, for every one knows they are selfish and will do as

artyr that she was, and Eurie and Ruth staid in their room and laughed over the ridiculousness of Flos

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