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Four-Day Planet


Word Count: 2470    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

had passed a good night and seemed to have thrown off all the poison he had absorbed through his skin. Dad talked to him, and advised him not to leave until somebody came for him. Tom and I

score was, and the rules, or absence thereof, of the game, and accepted us as members of his team. We dropped to the Bottom L

s time going over the wax, jabbing the probe rod in and pulling samples out of the big plastic-skinned sausages at random, making chemical tests, examining them unde

five centisol price had been voted unanimously. The police were still looking for the Kivelsons. Ravick seemed to have gotten the idea that Joe Kivelson was the mastermind of the hunters' cabal against him. I know if I'd found that Joe Kivelson and Oscar Fujisawa were

r, just as though I were the skipper of the biggest ship out of Port Sandor. Well, it meant as much to us as it did to the hunte

"Seventy-five's the Kapstaad price, regardless of what you people here have been getting from that crook of a Belsher. We'll have to go far enough

es, I asked Dad if he'd hea

d been in there till after midnight, with some other people." He named three disreputables, two female and one male. "They were drinking quite a lot. Harry sa

s really a triumph; after all, it's a ten per cent success. Bish had gone four and a half hours without taking a dr

ith the same report, that along the waterfront, at least, the heat was off. However, he had started an ambitious-looking overhaul operation, which looked as

t was finished, we loaded the boat-clothes we'd picked up for him and his travel kit and mine into a car, with Julio Kubanoff to bring it back to the Tim

ity roof curves down all along the south side of the city into the water and about fifty feet below it. That way, even in the post-sunset and pos

to where the Javelin was berthed. I knew he'd never actually seen it before, but he must have been stud

red feet long by thirty abeam, with a squat conning tower amidships, and turrets for 50-mm guns and launchers for harpoon rockets fore and aft. The only thing open about her was the air-and-water lock under the conning tower. J

s windows and the outside lights come on. For a few minutes, the Javelin swung slowly and moved forward, feeling her way with fingers of radar out of the pool and down the channel behind the breakwater and under

louds streaming away from the daylight zone to the west and lighted from below by the sun. There were more clouds coming in at a lower level from the east. By the time th

Kivelson: "We're one man short; De

was right with us till we got out to

was all right then. Didn't even have a scratch. Strained his back at

ings weighed a couple of hundr

irst Century Pre-Atomic? Aren't

aking a couple of steps to get one. The doctor told h

Devis's strained back would be good for a two-li

p hos

patient lists to the Times. Tom was griping be

g about engines,

, and violate the daylights out of all the old Newtonian laws of motion and attraction," I said. "I read that in a

th a 50-mm?" Tom asked. "I know you're pretty sharp w

packing case or something, I could waste a few ro

the after gun when we sight a monster, but som

ather about it. J

ke hamburger out of a slasher, once, with a chopper. Have somebody blow a couple of wax skins full of air fo

tside, but there's very little room for the crew. The engines are much bigger than would be needed on an ordinary contragravity craft, because a hunter-ship operates under water as well as in the air. Then, there's a

nics was going to keep him here on Fenris as a resident buyer and his job was going to be to deal with the hunters, either individually or through their co-operative organi

n its berth, and we climbed into it and looked around. I showed him the machine that packed the wax into skins, and the cargo holds, and the electrolytic gills that

enough for a five-thousan

bmerged isn't the same as running in a

do much swimming there. And I've spent most of my time since then in central Argentine, i

t only seen a horse, but actually ridden one.

estions-I suppose he thought they were awfully silly, but he answered all of them patiently-about horses and riding. I was looki

m-collapsed matter, the electron shell collapsed onto the nucleus and the atoms in actual physical contact-and absolutely nothing but nothing could get through it. Inside was about a kilogram of strontium-90; it would keep on emitting electrons for twe

ges into magnetic current, and lifted the ship and propelled it. Abdullah wa

me more and went up to the conning tower where Joe and Ra

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