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Chapter 6 Meeting his victim

Word Count: 1243    |    Released on: 28/10/2022




ey co

u crazy

t me to marry som

as thu

ident, and ended up in a Coma. Nothing a lit

y clar

hell do I


ou're helping someone in need, and ge

te the guilt you feel abou

ied to per

the four hundred thousand dollars, but

r her daughter's hospital bills, and make sure

Don't you think she would make th

ake the secret of the contract to her grave if you hel

ed to reaso

r feet, and do whatever you ask of her. She would be forever indebted

trying to

y conv

ew York city, Stanley picked the one in coma, for him to marry. Even thoug

an by ensuring her daughter su

on his laptop. When Stanley saw that he wasn't in the mo

out helping the woman. But he took out the piec

d on the

's health, and also asked for the hospital where she was. After their

holas to go see her w


sed having you inside me

ductively, ov

d for that, okay. Go ge

ied curtly, e

when has Nicholas ever rejected sex? She was pissed at

was his favourite plaything. Or has someone else take

ever the woman was, she wou


n her ward when a nurse inf

the man she met some few days ago, Mr St

anley was very handsome, but this young man was way more handsome. He took slow, calculated steps towards her, and

melt like good money talking. She was sure he was no ordinary person.

e young man, as Nicholas Thompson-the CEO of

was the face behind the name? He was a really handsome man indee

ter and have a closer look at Josephi

pale and lifeless, it didn't do much of concealing her beauty. There was something na

. Her nose was symmetrical, and she had a cu

noticed the way he was staring, and she smiled satisfactorily. She knew her daughter was very beautiful. H


to know how she ended

e evil animal ran her over and left her for dead.

ar? He was also guilty of the same crime, and the story seemed a lot similiar to his. It was like

e remembered she was lying face-flat to the ground, and he couldn't see her face. But if there was one thing he

mpossible. He looked towards Stanley in horror, and his eyes bulged like

very good job of keeping his composure. He wan

happen? And how long

his voice thre

go on a monday morning when she

tion he needed. This was the woman he ran ove

when he had knocked her down. Everything the wom

entioned his victim being in a coma and in

itely playing a

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1 Chapter 1 The Accident2 Chapter 2 Terrible Condition3 Chapter 3 The Thompsons4 Chapter 4 Wife hunt5 Chapter 5 A crazy idea6 Chapter 6 Meeting his victim7 Chapter 7 She's awake!8 Chapter 8 Breaking the news9 Chapter 9 The unwanted visit10 Chapter 10 Meeting the handsome stranger11 Chapter 11 The Ultimatum12 Chapter 12 Signing the contract13 Chapter 13 Drugging Nicholas14 Chapter 14 Mission Accomplished15 Chapter 15 Time to leave16 Chapter 16 En route17 Chapter 17 Picturesque18 Chapter 18 Dinner19 Chapter 19 She slumped20 Chapter 20 I need you to treat her21 Chapter 21 So mean22 Chapter 22 Cynosure23 Chapter 23 Pulchritude24 Chapter 24 Jacob Smith25 Chapter 25 Shivers26 Chapter 26 Alluring27 Chapter 27 All eyes on her28 Chapter 28 The hot kiss29 Chapter 29 Car sick30 Chapter 30 She fell asleep31 Chapter 31 Baby-sitting her32 Chapter 32 Laura's Fury33 Chapter 33 Two-faced34 Chapter 34 In her room35 Chapter 35 Up close36 Chapter 36 A furious Nicholas37 Chapter 37 Reputation38 Chapter 38 Cynthia sees Josephina39 Chapter 39 Bombshell40 Chapter 40 Chemistry41 Chapter 41 Mortified42 Chapter 42 Palpitation43 Chapter 43 Someone like Nicholas44 Chapter 44 Time to go45 Chapter 45 Well-nigh46 Chapter 46 Meeting the Thompsons47 Chapter 47 Stay the night48 Chapter 48 Her contact at last49 Chapter 49 Girl of the hour50 Chapter 50 Sharing a room51 Chapter 51 I crave you52 Chapter 52 Lost in the steamy moment53 Chapter 53 Eating her out54 Chapter 54 Asset acquired55 Chapter 55 Pining56 Chapter 56 A breath of fresh air57 Chapter 57 Dialogue58 Chapter 58 Missing her mum59 Chapter 59 Pensive60 Chapter 60 Dinner61 Chapter 61 Sumptuous meal62 Chapter 62 In his room63 Chapter 63 Interview64 Chapter 64 Leaving the house65 Chapter 65 Seeing her mum66 Chapter 66 Drama67 Chapter 67 Disappeared68 Chapter 68 Meeting Cynthia69 Chapter 69 Spilling some facts70 Chapter 70 His rival71 Chapter 71 Livid!72 Chapter 72 Apoplexy73 Chapter 73 Gloating74 Chapter 74 A new day75 Chapter 75 Excruciating76 Chapter 76 Flutter77 Chapter 77 Teasing temptation78 Chapter 78 Body and soul79 Chapter 79 Realisation80 Chapter 80 Lunch81 Chapter 81 Stay with me82 Chapter 82 Disruptive83 Chapter 83 Oops!84 Chapter 84 Head over heels85 Chapter 85 Birthday Dinner Party86 Chapter 86 Press studs87 Chapter 87 En route88 Chapter 88 Soiree89 Chapter 89 Picture-perfect family90 Chapter 90 Spite91 Chapter 91 Feisty92 Chapter 92 Shocker!93 Chapter 93 Picture worthy94 Chapter 94 The unimaginable95 Chapter 95 So Surreal96 Chapter 96 It Hurts97 Chapter 97 Premeditation98 Chapter 98 Status quo99 Chapter 99 Menacing Stare100 Chapter 100 Emotions