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The Frozen Throne

Chapter 3 The Dark History

Word Count: 3136    |    Released on: 28/10/2022

their lives on that frightful and unforgiving night. It was called to be one of the most brutal wars to happen in all the history of England. While people sa

uainted with one and some even claimed to have befriended one. They used to be a part of the history of the Eibrellion Kingdom. Indeed, Eibrel

hs have been reported yet about vampires feeding off of humans, the people inwardly live in fe

mmediately deployed to protect the Human King. War broke out on that frightful night, lives were lost when vampires

rted in the palace itself when a vampire killed the first Human King of England. The King’s Council immediately thought of a way to subdue the vampires

humans during the full moon. And that is when the Great Slaughter began. In daylight, the soldiers and people jo

remained neutral during the Blood War and aided no one. Since then, they sealed that past to the place known tod

ld Kingdom of Eibrellion relocated in hopes of forgetting the past. Many years passed and many successors reigned on

, direct descendants of the people who led the Blood War in 939 AD. She formed what is called now the Human Council. She also relocated the old kingdom to what is

d the people,” said Council Member Ylandar Laimos Farrir. The Human Council is merely composed of 12 members, all of which are men. The

eclared as one of the members. Dracyan’s information about the Vampire Queen had her thoughts run and she found herself

ook’s contents was quite confidential. Only the people who work in the Welson House are given access to them but it comes with a c

n’t believe that the Human Council was actually appointed by the crown. I’d ofte

ear not to tell anyone about it. The crown also simply wants to protect its reputation. Queen Annaria also made it clear th

this moment that you’d have to re-

“It sounds weird but I heard that if you read a book over and over again you will

s piece of information

ld not to speak of her name. For they believe that the more they speak of her, the more she becomes real to other people. When Lord Ylandar repeated his qu

t back. He replied, “We talked about this, didn’t we? The Co

re Queen? They even call her an Umbran, sa

ible being. A vampire so powerful, has no weaknesses, doesn’t burn under the sun, could not be killed with a stake through the heart and can use black magic---

his words that gives her a sensation of familiarity. But what was i

st to answer them all. But I must implore you, Iafleur, to stop researching more information about the Vampir

ted her existence. And it was because of t


coal-black eyes, so deep yet enigmatic. Iafleur smiled.

place. We just don’t want to encourage an


you later for the mee

lushed again but thankfully Lord

ers. He was ranked Number Two because of his explicit intelligence. Number One of course goes well to

House would always look forward to his coming out and morning walk in the park. Iafleur also admits

tion of the seal in the Sacred Woods. Lord Ferron is actually a man in his fifties but his old physiognomy is not that evident t

the seal. But you have nothing to worry about, for now, my lord Ferron. The seal is st

ssible for them to penetrate through the seal,” said another Council member, Lord Myoda. Hi

r hundreds of years? I highly doubt

est member, he is not afraid to ta

ey’re more likely to die without proper sustenance,” Lord Ferron agreed. Alas, his countenance transitioned

told them, as though he alr

s it, m

. The men we assigned to guard the entrance heard the people speaking about an

Our ancestors already

otting down minutes for the meeting and suddenly felt her legs tremb

” Lord Myoda reminded them, “otherwise,

the people have heard such a thing? Any information

o prefers to have a clean-shaven face to the extent of shaving his head bald, including his eyebrows. Somehow it

a vampire has escaped from the Sac

ly become a big problem for the Human Council. She and her friends might find it astonishing and irritating

nto her mind, making her lose grip on her pen and drop it on the floor. The fallen pen

leur apologised an

member they recruited and his distinctive feature of coal-black hair had always made his pale-looking skin stand out. But unlik

you, my lor

main subject, still on the rumour about a

rvened, “if it was indeed an Umbran, it can only be one bein



No such creatu

d not deceive us in the past and we will not be deceived by them now. Vampires from the other side of the Sacred Woods might not be able

ace was in favour of her being able to see his face, she took that chance to examine his coal-black eyes, a feature t

ead them to investigate the Sacred Woods! Some people might still doubt but some are determined to believe in

these rumours,” Lord Ferron suggested. At that same moment, Iafleur felt a heavy spotlight


s eyes hinted at Iaf

secretary and writing down notes on our meeting. I want you to go and investigate the town and f

that person here? Iafleur is very well capable of things like that. Why don’t we let her do

ty and taking lightly to such things will not be tolerated in the council. I want to know for myself what this pe

eport back at once. But do not return here without

lord. I will not fail you. I will return her

. Now

. But before leaving the room, she could not help but take one last glance at Lor

ngthening the seal on the Sacred Woods and the economy of Eibrellion Ci

tairs, a voice from behind called her and she halted. H

ad. “Lord Ylandar, what is

He took out something from his pocket and on his palm was a bronze n

ing me this?” sh

years ago gave me that. She laced it with a spell and whenever

w-what to say,”

appreciated. And the reason I can’t be seen by the other members is that I don’t want them to think the

ile formally. “T-thank you, my lord. H

You best be on your

ed into a wide smile. She could barely keep them from grinning ear to ear. She never

ldness, it seems like he knows ho

pendant to admire its unique desig

t is the mea

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 The Curse of a Vampire3 Chapter 3 The Dark History4 Chapter 4 The Restless Spirit5 Chapter 5 An Impossible Task6 Chapter 6 The Lost Vampire Kingdom7 Chapter 7 Slyvek8 Chapter 8 The Eldentri9 Chapter 9 First Black Out10 Chapter 10 The Sacred Woods11 Chapter 11 The World Beyond the Ice Door12 Chapter 12 The Measure of Love13 Chapter 13 The Stalker Lord14 Chapter 14 AFFECTIONS FOR BOTH15 Chapter 15 Nothing But Monsters16 Chapter 16 THE HUMAN VILLAGE INSIDE THE WOODS17 Chapter 17 TRANSFORMATION OR POSSESSION18 Chapter 18 THE MONSTER INSIDE19 Chapter 19 GRAPHS20 Chapter 20 The Beginning of Change21 Chapter 21 General Pendrius22 Chapter 22 Another Realm 23 Chapter 23 A Little Delay Wouldn't be so Bad24 Chapter 24 The Puppet25 Chapter 25 Triggered26 Chapter 26 Treirium Town27 Chapter 27 Oddly Familiar Endearment28 Chapter 28 Sunlight Ring29 Chapter 29 Memento30 Chapter 30 The Missing Princess, Found31 Chapter 31 Underground Facility32 Chapter 32 Glazandiel33 Chapter 33 The White Witch34 Chapter 34 The Ritual of Destruction35 Chapter 35 Confession36 Chapter 36 Drarbon City37 Chapter 37 Red Casket38 Chapter 38 The Man in A Black Cloak39 Chapter 39 The Mummy Inside the Casket40 Chapter 40 Iafleur’s Memories41 Chapter 41 Reaching the Full Transformation42 Chapter 42 The Secret Alliance43 Chapter 43 A Playful Duel44 Chapter 44 Night of the Full Moon45 Chapter 45 Slyvek and Iafleur46 Chapter 46 Holy Ground47 Chapter 47 The Queen’s Soul48 Chapter 48 The Vampire Queen’s Return