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Burning Desires Mr Rude Miss Sassy

Burning Desires Mr Rude Miss Sassy


Chapter 1 Mr Rude

Word Count: 972    |    Released on: 06/11/2022

quickly got up,showered,and start searching for the clothe to put on. By 6:40a.m she's already done, then she went to her younger sister room to wake her up which is her morning rou

ed yes mum! Common come downs

side of the city

aid pa (sound of slap) Dian slapped Sarah, you're fired, ha please sir don't sack me,get out of this villa now idiot Di

reakfast, No mom am already late,

here to the company.Meanwhile Sally already at the office waiting for her boss.

. Well sir, I am the newly employed secretary sir, oh oh oh that's right you're welcome to


t do you want Sally asked, don't ask me what I want Dian said an he strolled in to Sally boss office.Mtchewww (Dian hissed )Humph what a rude guy ,handsome but rude. Sally then knock on

ways boss I only came to check up on you and also want to say goodnight since am already going home, and lastly goodnight Mr rude. Sally then walked out of the office. Kiel who the heck is

th now, I need to call him to ask how he is doing,and w

goodness who is calling me

calling me by this time of the night, am no

please calm do

r I didn't know you

what's wrong with

rry am coming home tomorro

se I have a lot

t Ivanka,Mom,

all doi

ep tight ba



tommorow I will listen to the full story, let me sleep e

woke up early as usual,ate

o there. Hello Mr. Rude how are you doing this afternoon? Am doing good miss sassy how

as mr rude personal assistant?hell no I can't or else he begs me.Why should I beg you because I need a personal assistant,whatever if you can't beg

blem, alright see you later or do you want to follow me to my airline so I can tour you around, Dian said,nah mayb

a surprise not reall

other I real

you doin

und somehow dull on t

ut it later, but right now l

t's go, Sa

and dad Victor an

e and princess, commo

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