contract with the demon prince
room and hangs it up and goes in again, sh
already be in
on her bed and
ave to protect? I don't know, but she do
ks like... Could you
go, I can't believe the
hat chooses you
o me, I'm The Princ
contractor the only thing she needs to do
etting old, and you don't know who to choo
yes calmly, her vision is still a little blurred, as soon as she returns to normal
ut to scream the boy points at me and
s time, I promise we will be brief, let's introduce
s arms and looks
lady? Please let her speak,"
with contempt and
are you doing here? How did you get
peak again and start fla
e more fun. Louis turns his face and closes h
en to us for a minute, we own this bo
the book, she stretches her arm
s face changes completely, he cl
am or make any jokes you'll never be
ment as Louis snapped his fingers, and Ana bit her lips in
every three years the book chooses some
has made better c
to take over
e is no talking cat and no man like th
oing to hell... An
s you want to. Louis
want any trouble in m
ok, he'll try to do anythin
. Louis
othing to
can summon someone like
is is your problem and your crazy book, tak
ouis 一 There's a time so now it
mare and none of this happened, I open my eyes and they were still lo
ther day Ana
n't see you
g they both disappear,after t