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Chapter 1 Patient

Word Count: 2046    |    Released on: 01/11/2022

aning and spiritual connotation of names are believed

ces surrounding their birth, days of the week, place of birth or after any spectacular event that season. That

g as a way of expressing their anticipations, convictions in

ity in the southern part of Nigeria in the early seventies. They were very poor and could barely boast

ompensate for his penury; and inadvertently, he resigned to fate and accepted his poor condition without much ado. Indeed, her approval of

rom the Lord." Anchoring her faith on this promise, she knew her presence in his life could change their fortune for good.she always encouraged him to be steadfas

iving for his family from his daily toiling. Whatever he got in his outing was what his wife used to prep

thatch house he managed to construct from raffia palms and bamboo sticks had holes in the roof such that

that they tucked perfectly in a small wooden cupboard just as match sticks fit the box. Because there were no electricity in that area, the source of light at

bank, in about ten-meters stretched, by means of rickety woods and planks whic

dren are a blessing from God; and also they hoped that what they couldn't achieve in life, their children would do for the

unaffordable. When her time was due for delivery they went to a quack matron in the community th

of the father and someone that would flag the name of family after him. With this, Mr.Opus was extremely hap

ost of those invited arrived just on time before the dawn of the day. The event was meant to be brief and so the guests that came didn't bother even as

sed to be something to be worried about. Raising a child is not only a matter of provision of food - which they

led and managed whatever they had in order to wean the child up to the age of five. By this time, Patient started accompanying his farther to fish. Now, th

ed into primary school, his father couldn't afford the tuition fees even though the amount was small. There wasn't a secondary s

he got a friend who was also into fishing but was 12 year older than him. With time they partnered and sailed out together for his

le chord that pulled him towards an uncommon drive for success. His passion for education was increasingly

eryday. He didn't let it discourage him , but rather, he worked hard to earn some little money which he saved to fund his own education. It was fortuitous how eac

unity for several years and so one faithful day he summoned up courage to ask his farther why there were still havin

ve bright eyes with the aim to convince him the more and said, "moreover, having many children is wealth since no one knows which on of you will be successful to take us out of poverty or better sti

so he let it be because after all, he was is father and therefore deserves to be respected and obey. It was not in

t this point when it seemed his mum had taken a break from child bearing, he enrolled to start his education at the community mission school. Strangely, all his age mates were getting into secon

manifesting in his punctuality to school and academic excellence. Not deterred by the scorns and scoffs he received for wearing patchy

n't afford. Worst still, his earnings from his fishing business were meager compared to the budgets for school prospectus and bogus family expenses. The money was always nevery enough; and this triggered inside of

e him repeat two classes. He had wanted to leave his parents and go with his mater

ild ahead of his two siblings, never had any good relationship with his father. As children, they could express their freedom of movement and speech only when he's not at home. They would scamper and hide for fear of incurring his wrought whene

ignored their father and tended towards their mother for succor and solution to any problem they had. Over time, this affected him greatly as he became timid and introverted. H

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