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Glen of the High North

Glen of the High North

Author: H. A. Cody


Word Count: 2557    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

upon the edge of the sidewalk facing the throng of teams and motors that were surging by. She had evidently attempted to cross, but had hurriedly retreated ow

fiance depicted upon her countenance. It strangely affected him, and he was on the point of springing fo

but one of the thousands he daily beheld, yet it alone stirred him to his inmost depths. A few minutes before he had been walking along the street without any definite aim in life, listless and almost cynical. But now a desire possessed him

ad always been welded in the strong clear heat of an overwhelming purpose. It had caused him considerable trouble, but at the same time it had carried him through many a difficult undertaking that had daunted other men. It was only the afterwards that affected him, the depression, when the objective had been attained. So for months after the war ended his life had seemed of no avail, and he found it impossible to settle comfortably back into the grooves of civilian life in a bustling, thriving city. Everything seemed tame and insignificant after what he had experienced overseas. Time instead of lessening had only increased this feeling, until Reynolds believed that

ly, Tom. Found so

upon the only vacant chair the office c

ers, swung himself around in h

than I have seen you for many a day. What has come ov



t. I'm through

e had done everything in his power to help him since his return from the war. But he was w

, and what are you going

hum-drum existence. It is killing me by inches. I need adventure, l

d to do so in every possible way. I sincerely hoped that your present work would suit you better than in an office. You are free to roam where you

at interest do I take in trouble along the docks, a fight between a couple of toughs in some dark alley, or a f

is eye he watched the editor as he toyed thoughtfully with his pen. This man was nearer to him tha

othing in view?" the ed

rgy of mind and body. That is what I want. I hope you do not misunders

But what about your painting? Have you lost all interest in that? When you were in France you of

sketches I made are still uncompleted. S

terest, Tom, in the things that

st have a fling at something else to get this restless feeling out of my system. What do

forth a fair-sized scrapbook. He slowly turned the pages and stopped

go, and the story it contains appeals strongly to me now. I read it at least once a year, and it has been the cause of many a day-dream to me, and night-dream as well,

him," Reynolds acknowl

all. That was, as I have just said, over fifteen year

rouble? Financi

him. He took no interest in his business, and sold out as soon as possible. Then he vanished, and that was the last we heard of him. He was an odd man in many ways, and although one of the shrewdest men in business I ever knew, he

he wasn't killed?

rt time after Redmond disappeared, and when the excitement of all was intense, this was received and published. Although it

t only he who is worthy will find me, and whoever finds me, will, I trust, not lose his reward. From t

rked, when the editor had finished

, and that the finding will consist of more than the mere discovery of his person. It must refer to som

for anyone who unde

w I wish I were young again, and I should be off to-morrow. I was a fool not to make the

you want--?" Reynolds paused and

the emphatic reply. "You are young

wish me to undertake this wild-go

has been consuming me for years. I am more than anxious to know what has become of Henry Redmond. And finally, for the sake of my paper. If you should prove successful, wha

to go? Have you any idea where Redmond is? The world is big, rem

here he is, and you merely went and found him, bah! that would not be worth the trouble. But the uncertainty of it all is what appeals to

rtaking seemed so utterly hopeless and ridiculous that he hesitated. If h

mond when he disappear

et in height, and a large head, crowned with a wealth of hair streaked with gray, when last I saw him. His c

amily?" Reyno

achelor, and they were greatly surprised when he unexpectedly took to himself a wife much younger than him

affected his mind,"

sappearance, as well as the peculiar lette

ame of th

another reason why I believe no harm befell him as you sugg

it?" Reynolds asked. "Was no effo

e talk of the city for several weeks, and I understand that several men thought seriously of searchi

his feet and pi

shall let you know. In the meantime I shall plug away at my present job. I can't

ith pleasure. "And, remember, you shall be supplied wi

n that will last me for a while. When I

t think it over and let me know of

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