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Surrogating for the Billionaire

Surrogating for the Billionaire


Chapter 1 How much

Word Count: 1556    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

t i

of the Bentley and at the darkn

ried to get around the vehi

r, light haired man got out an

e asked and he ra

who I am?” He se

Danika was not rude, but after what happened that night, s

ushed his glasses back to f

lair.” She swallowed hard. He

you know my name, but I want nothing to do wi

is something you’ll like to hear about, I assure you.” Cassius started

hed clumsy into her bag and hurriedly looked for the vial. Sensing her fingers were touching the rig

e wore glasses, but apparently, the accessory was often slipping onto the

o scream, but nothing more than a muffled sound came out of her mouth after it was covered with a huge hand. At that moment,

, his eyes totally swollen and

her inside the car. She kicked, but there was no cha

other door and soon, the car was moving. S

lone with Cassius Banks, for someon

rembled. She was scared, feeling her he

just wanted to o

client from the V.I.P room! She t

“You practically kidnapped me and now you s

not insane.” The mystery man answered her.

t the assistante was handing her. She opened it and

” She asked

yed by that. The most interested part in this was the so-called

have a… child?” She asked, and then she frowned at her

ificial insemination is the answer. Simple

d and the mystery man wa

t into men for money, but it doesn’t mean you don’t need it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be working in a restaurant where here and there a few c

d. Of course he knew about the s


, you can get rich in a blink of an eye.” The man insiste

nt to accept your offer.. And I won’t. Now, excuse me.”

ents were not really around. And she remembered the

mine and I’ll cove

trary. But he was a disgusting m

ch her arm, but

d him, but he thought she w

he tried to put his hands on

e hurting, because she had just p

all, since he was not

eird. Danika knew what that meant, combined wit


er asked and looked at the m

Mr. Dupont said, horrified. He

, now! That girl must be fired! Is that the kind of animal you h

pardon, M

” He spat the words

le bit more than six months. She was hard working and was always up t

h pitiful eyes and she knew he wo

french accent. She could see he was saying ‘sorry’

but first… “He tried to harass me. Was I supp

Sokolov, who had a dang

thing, this ‘сука’ (slut/bitch in Russian) is trying to bl

of ‘was I supposed to know who you are?’ with her most annoying and scornful tone

n.” Mr. Dupont said in a low voice and made a m

which Danika had just attended to, smiled. He had asked Cassius to use psycholo

one.” He had his eyes


id and Hernan, who had a smirk on h

ot?” H

ted an answer, I gave it t

negative answer!” He s

siness. Now, sto

air inside his lun

d Danika raised an eyebrow, ope

and looked around. She

having to walk a long distance. Her life was a

smiled. Finally, she would be ab

Danika pouted at th

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1 Chapter 1 How much 2 Chapter 2 Think about it3 Chapter 3 Evicted4 Chapter 4 Married5 Chapter 5 New position6 Chapter 6 The visit7 Chapter 7 Stunning!8 Chapter 8 The Manor9 Chapter 9 The party10 Chapter 10 No change11 Chapter 11 The morning after12 Chapter 12 What's going on 13 Chapter 13 A taste14 Chapter 14 The delivery15 Chapter 15 Not indoors16 Chapter 16 You again 17 Chapter 17 Miss Sinclair18 Chapter 18 Courage19 Chapter 19 Sorry20 Chapter 20 Ride21 Chapter 21 Hospital22 Chapter 22 Don't you dare!23 Chapter 23 Jealous24 Chapter 24 Another one25 Chapter 25 Not going home26 Chapter 26 Is she 27 Chapter 27 Taste you28 Chapter 28 Feelings29 Chapter 29 Heartbeat30 Chapter 30 Visiting grandpa31 Chapter 31 I want to work32 Chapter 32 Not trusting33 Chapter 33 Shattering34 Chapter 34 Gone35 Chapter 35 Truth36 Chapter 36 Home37 Chapter 37 Surprise!38 Chapter 38 Phillip39 Chapter 39 Meeting Roman40 Chapter 40 Family41 Chapter 41 I want her!42 Chapter 42 The truth, at last43 Chapter 43 Travel44 Chapter 44 Jealousy 45 Chapter 45 First time46 Chapter 46 A joke47 Chapter 47 Everything I want48 Chapter 48 Back home49 Chapter 49 Older50 Chapter 50 To the rescue51 Chapter 51 Madman!52 Chapter 52 Home53 Chapter 53 Do good54 Chapter 54 Come again 55 Chapter 55 Plans56 Chapter 56 Embarrassed57 Chapter 57 News!58 Chapter 58 Mistake59 Chapter 59 Family60 Chapter 60 Making it clear61 Chapter 61 A bad feeling62 Chapter 62 Decent63 Chapter 63 You are my light. 64 Chapter 64 Pity-taker65 Chapter 65 The letter66 Chapter 66 No sign67 Chapter 67 Lies68 Chapter 68 Reaction69 Chapter 69 Invalid70 Chapter 70 Traveling71 Chapter 71 A favor72 Chapter 72 It's alright73 Chapter 73 Visitor74 Chapter 74 Nothing bad! 75 Chapter 75 A fiancé76 Chapter 76 More polite77 Chapter 77 Waking up78 Chapter 78 Unknown cousin79 Chapter 79 One more!80 Chapter 80 Presentations81 Chapter 81 However82 Chapter 82 Did he refuse 83 Chapter 83 Worse than death84 Chapter 84 Stay!85 Chapter 85 Divorce86 Chapter 86 Bernard87 Chapter 87 Are you coming 88 Chapter 88 A surprise for Flora89 Chapter 89 Give up!90 Chapter 90 Jealousy 91 Chapter 91 Not today92 Chapter 92 Like a theater93 Chapter 93 I do94 Chapter 94 I like him95 Chapter 95 I miss you96 Chapter 96 I love you97 Chapter 97 I'm sorry for you98 Chapter 98 Touch you99 Chapter 99 Who are you 100 Chapter 100 I don't remember her!