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Chapter 5 DAD GONE

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 06/11/2022

Camila woke up so early today" he said and start laughing. " Stop laughing Ben, Didn't you hear Dad is gone?" Camila said crying and Ben scoffs. " yes dad is gone, is that why you are cr

Dad should come and take you with him?" she asked and Mary laugh. " Don't you all get what she is saying? She thinks Dad is dead" Mary said laughing and Camila stops crying and turn to M

ol" She pick up a pillow from the couch and throw it at Camila. " I thought that was what you mean. Thank goodness my dad is okay, you should

" she put the bag on her back and turn to Mary " what is the name of that girl in your class?" she asked. " Which girl?" Mary asked " The pen" she said an

ila?" One of the girls asked and Camila smile " yes, hi" she said smiling. " what do you want?" A girl asked her " I...I'm looking for Kelly" she said and the girls at the back look at each other. " I am Kelly, what do you want?" the

't this the pen you gave to Andy?" She asked and Camila hold the pen tightly. " What are you doing with that pen?" Kelly asked moving closer to Camila.. She stretch her hand to take the pen from Camila and Mary interrupt them. " What is happening?" she asked and Kelly turn to her " Hey Mary, your sister have my pen with her" She said and Mary walk closer to them. " do y

t her the pen? Is she his girlfriend?" one of the girls asked and Kelly look at her Angrily. " Andy will not love an ugly girl like her, I'm way mo

a chuckles. " I just want to hear it from her mouth that she was the one that gave him the pen" she said and Mary scoffs " so you think I was lying right?" she asked " I didn't day

ting on the carpet grass close to the libra

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