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Tribute to the Fallen

Chapter 5 Why don't you take a break

Word Count: 1813    |    Released on: 09/11/2022


I didn't want my mum to see me coming home, and I successfully sneaked in but I was surprised when I saw my mum staring at me. She was sea

h a lie to save myself from her, she raised her eyebrows staring at me intently. I s

e at that moment. I should have taken the back door but I thoug

ht, I knew she was just being a caring mother to me. She was being protective f

I dropped my bag on the table as I moved closer to my mum, taking a f

yed awake just because of me. I didn't say anything but I just stared at her because I knew it w

ce in the load of files on the table but I didn't because I knew my mum would be worried

e." I said as soon as I got to her, I crouched down to her level and she

said and I sighed heavily knowing she was right that I haven't slept. She knew I can never sleep in the office because I counted them as being disrespectful, the office is a place where we wor

u don't have time for yourself. All you ever think of is work, you don't even take your

t toward her in surprise, I couldn't believe she was talking like this. She knew I took this work seriously then

ied about me, I'm totally fine"

erworking yourself since and haven't given yourself a break."

o would sit at the office doing nothing. As long as I get a good assistant I won't bother myself about staying late at the office." I said and she nodd

ho will be able to help you with all your work?'' My mom

cold shower to be able to sleep. You know I need to wake up early to r

said and she laug

id and I nodded in response. She walked out of the room and I b

of the bathroom and wore my pyjamas. I jumped on the bed for

n a long time since I felt like this. I looked around and I couldn't find my alar

e when I woke up so I knew it was my mum who was at work. She must have set the alarm when I fell asleep, and she

e she was and I was glad I found her on time. She was in the kitchen giving inst

e shrugged her shoulders like it's a common thing. She

r manners?" She said as she span

, mum" I greeted

ut how I took away your alarm?" she as

ince way too long. You only think about work but now that you sle

u have for today and reschedule it for tomorrow. You can hav

ill be taking the interview for your assistant, so you don't have to be worried" my

leep and i have already taken half day off but i will still go to the office today, and noth

toward the dining room, and I sat down at the

to?" My mum asked as s

I said and she stared at me

ay off but you wouldn't listen." My mum sa

her check before walking into the garage. I walked

ing played in front of the radio. I was tired b

e garage. I entered the company and all the workers stared at me confus

eted me. I walked towards my secretary and he was shocked to see me but was quick to compose hi

nterview was still going on as none of them are completely fit fo

prised to see so many applicants and I walked towards them. I was going inside th

for me. The person won't be able to work here, and will be sent away instantly. All the staff here knew not to mess

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