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And Then, There Was You…

Chapter 2 Welcome Back

Word Count: 1245    |    Released on: 09/11/2022

estion felt kinda redundant. It practically sums up every day of my life; full of regret and surrounded by nothing but darkness. O

Being so early in the morning, my room was still dark. But with my curtain slightly open, the rising sun light came through to make just one

y hair has grown out and I’ve definitely put on a lot more muscle. Rehab facilities take up a lot of precautions. For example, in case someone would attempt to hurt themselves or others, anything that could be used as a weapon wasn’t allowed on the grounds. And, with them being so strict on our possessions, passing time in those places was pretty difficult. Not even masturbating was possible without someone ca

to throw this pathetic excuse of a “keepsake” out of my life, for good. Not realizing that my sister, Kikyo, was already in the kitchen, I put on my shoes and stormed out the door without telling her ‘Good morning’. Supposedly, getti

er still in the kitchen. I could tell she was waiting for me to come b

ase.” Not saying anything further, I silently stood there, in the doorway. “Would you like

for another 3 hours.” I sat down at

ist in setting up for the club fair, in front of the school t

came up with th

ecision. I only m

being twins, we kinda know deep down what the other one is going through. We understand each other better than anyone. I’m the older one between the two of us, by a few minutes, but it’s obvious who gets the title of being the responsibl

he way. I have some news about your uniforms. Their shipment is running a li

ee her drifting off in thought. I probably brought back an unpleasant memory. I let out a sigh and said, “I was only joking. Thanks for putti

rd silence fell between us. But I could see that not everything has changed about her. She still has a short temper, we’re kinda s

g to head

with going by yourself at this time?”

ver good at this kinda thing; caring. “Don’t worry too much about me, okay. Ju

I should take things a little more seriously. I am basically getting a second chance at life, as

intently. “I wanna be the first to tell you, because I’m sure you’re g

me w

And that left me back to my thoughts; ‘Am I really ready to be a part of regular society agai

ikyo! Wait for me! I’ll be ready in 10 minutes!” ‘Am I ready

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