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Gypsy Breynton

Gypsy Breynton



Word Count: 2221    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

nton, Esq., M. A., D. D., LL. D.

tle black curves in the middle of them. It had been acquired in the book-keeping class of Yorkbury high school, and had taken a prize at the end of the summer t

of moustache just visible above his lips, and that irresistible twinkle to his great merry eyes, it was no wonder Gypsy was proud of him, as indeed she certainly was, nor did she hesitate to tell him so twenty

y Mr. Barnum, as a legitimate relic of that chaos and Old Night, which th

n established institution, and had long ago ceased to arouse remark, even from Tom. There was also a cloak upon one chair, and a crocheted cape tied by the tassels on another. There was a white tippet hanging on the stovepipe. There was a bandbox up in one corner with a pretty hat lying on the outside, its long, light feather catching the dust; it was three days now since Sunday. There were also two pairs of shoes, one pair of rubbers, and one slipper under the bed; the other slipper lay direc

ry gradual process, to the floor. On the remaining third stood an inkstand and a bottle of mucilage, as well as a huge pile of books, a glass tumbler, a Parian vase, a jack-knife, a pair of scissors, a thi

crookedly; the curtain at the window was unlooped, and you could write y

was Gyp

making fun of you and "preaching" at you, are afflicted with a chronic and incurable tendency to do. It is very fortunate that Gypsy deserved it, for it was really a horrible thing, girls, and if I were you I wouldn't let my brothers rea

andle he tied the torn apron, stuffed out with the rubber-boots, and pinned on slips of the geography leaves for features; Massachusetts and Vermont giving the graceful effect of one pink eye and one yellow eye, Australia making a very blue nose, and Japan a small green mouth. The hatchet and the riding-whip served as arms, and the whole figure was surmounted by the Sunday

hen! And Gypsy was nearer than he thought-in the front door, and coming up the stairs with a great banging and singing and laughing, as nobody but G

a minute it was perfectly still. Then a soft, merry laugh broke out all at once on th

I never saw anything

d then the merry laugh bega

A., D. D., LL. D.-what a creature he is! Gypsy Breynton, R.

n the ridge-pole, whittling away as coo

on," said Gyp


t there ever since


so. Come he

dress, which was wet and torn, and all stuck together with burs; her boots were covered with mud to the ankle; her white stockings spattered and brown; her turban was hanging round her neck by its el

nd the soft brown hair that was tossing about her eyes. Gypsy's eyes were the best part of her. They were very large and brown, and had that same irresistible twinkle that was in Tom's eyes, only a great deal more of it; and then it was always there. They twinkled when she was happy and when she was

e girls in story-books had curls. Who ever heard of the straight-haired maiden that made wreaths of the rosebuds, or saw the fairies, or married the Prince?

e, perched up there on the roof beside Tom, among her burs and he

, trying to look severe, and ma

e got her two hands full, and then she just fell splash into the water, fu

are all mu

spoke. "See! isn't there a quantity? I like moss 'cause it fills up. Violets are pretty enough, only

ecome of you," said Tom, drawin

aid Gypsy, demure

"Work or play, there's no system to you. You're like a--" Tom pa

awled out my moss!" and over went moss, flowers, basket, and all, down

mage in Gypsy's room, and both were determined not to be the first to speak of it. Gypsy could have patience enough where a joke was in question, and as

got these burs to get off and my dress to mend and my shoes and stockings to

w; which he did slowly and reluctantly. Something would have to be said now, at any rate. But not a syllable said Gypsy. She went to t

hen he stopped. Gypsy's eyes began to twinkle as i

," sai

u say?" rep

r would have to say to you

'd say to you, I'm sur

eat girl, twel

w why I'm a railroad,

you were a

sy Breynton, R. R.

't stand fo

t? Well

lar R


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