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The Quest OF DESEO

Chapter 6 The Brothel

Word Count: 1853    |    Released on: 11/11/2022

ting truths and unbearable realities that are still there to unfold—stories I hav

m Street that are being sung in silence, yet the sonnet of Twaivada pierces the

othel with us at his back. It is supposed to be my fi

olf, probably in his early twenties, opens the doors and shut

e door again. His demeanor changes in a flicker and alm

o did not bother with another glance and in a second we are standing in the courtyard surrounded by

of the second floor. I avoid the usual exchange of pleasantries

f and the doors are rusting. There are aroma candles that illuminate and spread a seductive fr

n a squeaky bed lays the Queen of

confidence that I have never seen before in any woma

pectantly at me. A teasing s

ied, gold-diggers and the two goody-shoes, the sluts, and the innocent, the intelligent and the

nd Madame of the Brothel is special. Looking

year roaming around these lanes, planning, rehearsing, gathering facts, and

s met a long lost friend. For some unknown reason, I could not avert

Ayesha Harjeevan isn't anything to play with. The blonde were woman has a heart

reply hesitatingly. My eyes have grown a mind of their own—the ragge

n to rule and lead. I should not be intimidated by a mere prostitute to th

painted red lips seductively. At the age of twenty-two, Ayesha is aptly maintained with her busty figure, short height, and curly

n appetite or maybe she doe

eir tired eyes, swollen lips, and limping walks scream the saga of their nights in detail. Their moans have bee

Swept the spatula? Cooked an omelet out of your ovaries?' The lady cracks what might

sn't she supposed to jump at the thought of getting two women for free and push us to business right away? Sh

ough gritted teeth. 'We are virgins.' I li

till you

times in a year. It was the first time I have seen a w

the surface. Her eyes held sorrow and fire. In friction, something crosses through

s when you can bloom into charming orchids? You have the f

round becomes thick and tense. None amongst t

f the eyes which is exc

you want to ruin yourself? Why not give yourself to a man who would die in love for you r

bitch who wouldn't take any shit from anyone, but a close

she is a young woman with captivating eyes and even a tantalizing mouth. Her face is glowing with power

ly. We are here for money, Ma'am. We will do anything.' I repeat the line like a we

kes to make it more believable and

ding. I rake my eyes around meanwhile to find various curious eyes pinned over us. The were-women were

raise my chin and take a careful glance. I was standing a couple of paces away from both Diksha an

rave every single day: fearlessness a

he shiver in her voice. The Twavivada echoes with giggles and laughter of

ls would be leaving at nine. Ankita had told me that the guests were

ame comes out to be a tougher nut to crack than I'd initially take her to be. Her face is stern and deprived of any emoti

s something mysterious about the lady that wants me to hug her and assure her that

sure they visit us again. We can commission some of our tips too. Just let us in, please.' Diksha pleads. The desperation in her voice does not only surpr

and overpowered by someone's personality to th

to cost me another year of m

some way out of it. From my peripheral vision, I glance at Za

erything bad that has ever happened to me.

on the ground with a loud cry, er

..' I chose my words wisely, nailing the con

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