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Sword of the Chosen


Word Count: 2883    |    Released on: 13/11/2022

South?" Freya asks with a

y not a pleasant memory to remember. "I was serving a noble family. They treated me like noth

ou stay?" Atheris asks, a small crease forming betwee

watches her with sympathy and sadness in her eyes. "I was planning

atalina's stories, you've learned much about Southern people. They are not as hospitable as Northerners are. According to Catalina, they dislike letting strang

m the couch, realizing the time. "Go to your chambers."But I don't want

our mother reminds you. "You're not a ch

ng. Your room looks empty. Nothing is hanging on your walls, and it makes your c

empty your head. You shake away the thoug

t off to sleep. The

lings sit across from you, each lost in different thoughts. None of them

rard finally asks. You remember Atheris answering this question."Lor

'm glad you have paid

hree Brothers?" Atheris asks. Gerard frow

one," the adviser says. "I will tell y

of the biggest wars in the history of

isted that I shouldn't tell you about the War of Th

? He doesn't even know what you look like.

age is not th

Richard seems confused. "Why d

rd shrugs. "The War of Three Brothers is a complex s

's your father's order, then Ger

," Gerard says after the lecture is over

st time you've seen him complaining about som

sponds. "It's an esse

leave the room, making

the c

r life would be if she served the king and queens as they do. Of course, her life is peaceful, a

" one handmaiden w

ause of her father's position. I can barely feed my children becau

he window, pretendin

the other one asks as she gives Cl

a good friend of Prince Richard. I see them s

ecome friends with the heirs at such a young age, I can't

rrying Prince Richard." She grins. "She w

uite understand what they mean, but she knows it's not a compliment. She looks down

the room, not wishing to

ke Pr

ris and Freya are excited to learn how to swim while Richard is anxious. He

ared," Atheris chides, n

s always catches him in hi

we must learn swimming." Rich

or, even worse, the sea?" Atheris asks. "Anyth

t's unnecessary,

ld him. Atheris lifts her brows, wat

r is braver than y

sists as he crosses his arms

ut you will enjoy its feeling when you

inks in amazement. Atheris narrows her

s." Freya smiles sheepishly as Ric

ringing a towel for each heir. She sets them

r sisters nod while Richard lo

is gives her a questioning look as s

de your siblings. You notice the scar on Atheris's shoulder. Since she's never been in a fight before, you ass

alina says softly. "The wa

ris grins devilishly. "However, I

e's standing behind her. Before she notices his presence, R

with a shriek. The lake is indeed shallo

ructs, biting inside of her che

ollowing the instructions."Float on your stomach," Cata

confused look. "How am I su

hile the other pushes the water back

slowly. You observe her moves, keeping them

." Catalina glances at the three of yo

he lake and to swim without instructions. The water indeed feels refreshing, as Freya said it

lieved chuckle escaping his lips as he floats on his

hing dangerously. "I won't forget what y

er." Richard smirks. "Rhivenia wi

her," your sister scoffs. Freya huffs,

nterrupting your arguing sibling

e in the

ld feel to dip his feet into the cold water. But he will not. The cold killed his mother.

r her death, the boy thinks as an imag

es is also

boy was lucky that his mother managed to escape before Rhivenians could find her

andle it. She became ill.

the boy, but she lost her li

is. "Erwan!" a girl calls ou

nner today. But tomorrow? ...Tom

of r

leven ye

officially became a successor.For the past four years, you mainly focused on improving your swordsmans

ove your hunting skills and bond with the soldiers.Every day is the same; you wake up early with your sibli

ou-except for Richard-have seen him in person, today will be a special day.You and your siblings sit around the table, listening to Gerard's lecture attentively. He sp

tens in their chairs as their interest is piqued. "After the Sword chose King Charles, his brothers were displeased. Each brother wanted the t

Rhivenia we are speaking about. He should'v

, sister," Freya notes. "Som

fs. "It doesn't exist unless yo

is brothers had accepted it as Uncle Francis did, the wa

ter the delightful victory, King Charles ordered his brothers' execution,"

s the room f

is didn't want the throne," he recalls. "He wasn'

er explains again. "King Charles didn't want to risk his leadership being questioned ever again."It wasn't

ve married a princess from another

with a deep frown between her brows."We all remember the day King Charles touched the Sword," Gerard says. "Its crystal stone shone like the sun. That's when we k

hadn't shone?" Atheris asks curiously.

f his brothers," says the adviser. "It

u know everyone is thinking the same thing: The Sword will choose one of

"I've heard the king is planning to take you to hunt," the adviser s

Richard smiles smugly. Luck

ought our father would really take us to hunt," Atheris tells Freya, who doesn't se

room, uninvited, the same smug smile on his

Atheris glares at him. Your half-brothe

winks at her. "Maybe yo

pecially about your father. But she loves talking about the crown.

about the Sword or the crown. She tries to ignore their existence, even though she knows that Judgement Day is inevita

terested in art. You think it's good that she has found an activity

you. "If you want to jo

aving you alone with your sister and half-brother."Richard, do you

mpatiently. "Clara is wai

her lately." Your sister smiles teasin

hat," Richard says and leaves the room in a

she sighs, shifting her gaze to yo

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