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Kidnapped by a Vampire prince

Kidnapped by a Vampire prince


Chapter 1 Ep 1

Word Count: 4487    |    Released on: 16/11/2022

before me. The sight I was beholding was terrifyingly dark and wicked. My palms were s

n pleaded, stepping away from t

esponded, his lips curling back i

y eyes stayed wide open, no matter how much I wanted to close them. Fear incessantly filled my veins as I continued to watc

aped my throat as the body of the woman fell to the ground, lying lifeless. Suddenly there was a stinging slap on my

hisper, her eyes narrowed in irritation. "Sh

that dragged me here," I finally snapped back, my heart pounding a m

es. "Vampires aren

my cinema seat and glancing back up at the screen w

quietly and I heard her mutter under her breath, but couldn't quite make out exactly what she said. Now it w

e jump again. I turned to see my other friend, Alli

now hearing the sounds of fighting from the sc

lastic package in my hand. I glanced down at it, then back at her with a frown. "Your mom told me t

ly. "But I hate


smile of amusement on her face. "


m behind me hushed

avor reached my tongue I wanted to spit it out. Dried fruit was disgusting! But I knew if I didn't eat my mom would find out

came on and people around me stood up, heading towards the exit. I took my time getting up and

ning to watch the credits. "Definitely got my a

e. "I'd rather be trick-or-treating right now!" This seriously was a waste of my Ha

t drag you to every s

tare. She grinned b

rag you to most of

bag of popcorn into the trashcan by the theatre exit. "She makes m

the theater door open and squinting at sudden brightness

d it's about time you got over

ponded defensively, "you can't

, watc

before the cutout could fall over, and I set it back up straight. Sighing, I glanced at the cutout and nearly jumped a mile in

p behind me, and I turned to gla

her laughter. "But it actually is f

not," I

es don'

till a scar

to movies like this, right?" Leah continued, brushing a lock of hair out o

ched in, defending me. "I mean, in all the

ant to see a movie about vampires falling in love with each

e everyone dies isn't rea

s an irrational fear.

en say that. You'r

. "Aliens are actually real. And when they come to ab

uttered, rolling her eyes. "You don't se

ens and vampires

w it's a stupid fear, but it's not so easy to not be afraid

ogized, a frown ap

I want to get over my fear

li interjected, pushing open the cinema doors and stepping o

very day, sometimes twice a day, and then afterwards he'd pretend to be a vampire coming to kill me. I'

He had wanted to share that obsession with me when I was younger, but ended up just making me terrified of

mised myself. "When he's least exp

th a laugh. "Your brother

rother. Alli and I would know. We've tried every possible fear; spiders, heights, the dark, small

t the glass when it didn't budge. Alli and Leah burst out laughing behind me as I pull

how long and you still try to push tha

nde," Leah sai

her. "Uh, maybe be

cted, opening the door and

ring, I pulled my jacket tighter around myself, moving my hair so i

ing her hands into her sleeves. "I fe

e probably warm," Alli pointed out, taking a deep breat

ogether briskly to give them some warmth. We crossed the parking lot to where Leah and I had parked out car

ome to the sleepover?" Leah a

re movies all night long," I returned, pursing

o fun," L

is if you actually had a job," Alli in

eyes. "I'm try

cking my body. "So, as much as I'd love to stand here a

li responded, shooting at

on't want to stand out in the cold any

two tomorrow. Have f

job," Alli respo

to my car, and pulling open the

lli responded.

small grin. "Don't hit any l

her eyes at me. "Lik

y breath! The cold from the seats were already seeping through my jeans. Jamming the key into the engine and starting th

and reach my destination faster. Which is exactly what I planned to do. Turning left, I entered a dimly lit street, pressing harder on the gas pedal. I switched the stereo on and it started playing my favorite CD. In a matter of seconds I

thrown forward in my seat. My engine cut out, and I had to squint to see what was in front of my car. It was a group of teenagers in vampire c

" I muttered to myself, takin

, and still nothing. A groan escaped my lips as I tried again a

ng the key again. "It's cold! We

nd pulled out my cell phone. A dry laugh escaped my mouth when I realized it was dead. Tossing the useless item o

tered, storming angrily to my

for. I wasn't a car person. Shutting the hood again, I decided my best option was to find someone who had a phone I could use. On the othe

windows were broken and haphazardly covered by boards, which barely even covered half of the holes themselves. To be completely honest, I wouldn't have been surprised if it

ealize they were embracing. A small smile graced my lips. It was times like these that I wished I had a boyfriend to do someth

ld as I froze up, my eyes wide in surprise. It sounded like it'd came from right behind me. Slowly,

ce when I realized her t

rieked, only feet

at could I do? Why was she coved in blood? A shudder ran through me when I realized a murderer, or the li

led if I stayed. My heart pounded frantically as the girl came closer. I couldn't even begin to form a coherent word in my mind. M

hing out a hand and grabbi

jacket. I fought the urge to be sick. Blood was not my thing. Focusing my

ied, her eyes wide

den appearance of the new hand. The girl screamed and I glanced up to see a figure of a man glare at the blonde girl.

g to pull away from the man. "

hand stopped inches from her face, I relaxed slightly. The girl's screaming stopped promptly, and an eerily calm expression came

ed? Who was this guy? Why was I still standin

nd calm voice spoke sudde

peared next to the first. My eyes shot wide in surprise, and I took a step b

ssumed to be Joel, responded,

run far away, and fast. But there were two things keeping me pinned to where I was. The first being that my leg

hool's entrance," the first man order

dy wiped he

this guy playing at? I narrowed my eyes

girl be

g about me. I cautiously prepared myself to run. It was

get that one cleaned up


Another startled gasp left my lips and my eyes nearly bulged out

ble to pull myself away. The next thing I noticed was his perfect jaw structure— chiseled with low cheekbones. Then reality came back and I noticed

e young man advised

ng through my veins, spurring me to run faster. I needed to get away from this psycho! I needed to draw attention! A sharp scream e

Before I could hit the ground I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Air whooshed past my ears and a cry o

ly, chestnut hair falling into his face. With a flick of his head, the hair was moved out of his eyes a

I say no

ttered, staring

out of this mess. A murderer was holding me against a wall with strength I couldn't wish to out match. Why did my car have to

can be the substitute," the man with blue ey

a cannibal! I was going to be eaten by s

ed. "Not quit

quick bark of laughter. "I hope you don't think you can escape me," he told me, bringing a freezi

too dry to form a word. This guy wasn't even going to kill me before eati

his eyes amused. "You

hin and shirt. He was seriously going to kill me! The man laughed ag

initely not the cheap plastic kind little kid

with fright. Vampires didn't exist! There was no such thing! They only existed in those awful movi

aren't you?" the man growl

ck. My female instincts swung in, and I violently struggled against the man again, pounding on his b

uld calm

against my soft skin. There was a small prick, and then a piercing pain. I screamed into the hand covering my mouth,

My worst nightmare. A mythical creature that should only exist in movies

much had passed when the blue-eyed man finally pulled away. My vision was sliding in and out of focus, but

bad was it?" he

exhaustion. Vampires didn't exist! But how could I say that when one had just bitten me? My vision blurred as I fought to push myself back

blue-eyed man said, rolling his eyes

ep my balance. No! I had lost too much blood! But I had to get away. After two more shaky steps, my feet s

d, sounding irritated. "I didn't drink that

ured feebly before m

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