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My lady, catch me if you can

My lady, catch me if you can


Chapter 1 Ep 1

Word Count: 1097    |    Released on: 16/11/2022


love sucks and Lord you know I won't accept it, so Lord Jesus, make him forget about me. And lest I forget sweet Lord, forgive becky and sand

put it on, put on my fluffy pink slipons and padded out of the room. It's another hectic day!. I recall how yesterday had been tiring. I walked into my sm

il. I wiped my glasses with a napkin and put it on. I padded out of the room into my small living room. It's not really fan

under the large fir tree in the middle

doing" I chuckled

put the key und

y at work!" she ca

d me. I step into the busy streets and stop on the sidewalk. I glance at my wrist watch impatiently. Do they really have to keep me waiting all the ti

I roll my eyes and got

" Becky seated at t

nites engine. I'm not really ready to see God now. She drives out. Becky leans forward and turn the radio on. Crazy

hout you!. That's pretty dumb cos everyone's got a heart and so they can breath. sandy and Becky are among the few friends I've got. Sometimes I wonder how I got to be their friend. They could kill just to club. Yuck!. Parties and clubs. I so hate that. I m

sandy, I'm taking the cab!" I breat

he classy restaurant. I swung open the glass doors and step into the warm restaurant. Becky and Sandy who's been chattering quickly shut their mouths. That's because Chloe, the owner of the pizzeria is a grumpy middle age woman

ts out a breath

ecky says grumpily as she change i

rs" I glare at her. she grin, zips her mouth and throw the imagina

ould have been the v

won't get to know you guys" I roll my e

en't happy we are your frien

g. I turn to see sandy buttoning up her gown. She

ing outside there like thi

ch!. it's just some fucking two butt

putting a "f"!" I bicker as I adjust

d change!" she says sarcastically

ney to be goofing around!" Chloe yell and we hastily shove our bags away.

being a grouch".

door. We file into the kitchen and I

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