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The Lost Billionaire and Daisy

Chapter 2 The lost billionaire and I

Word Count: 3144    |    Released on: 17/11/2022

at a loud voice, ok guys I think you should know I am tone deaf.. hahahahah, but am happy so pardon my screeching, I stoppe

ait what did you say you forgive me? ,That was too easy, what is happening" "oh my god did you get the contract? Oh no wait did you get LAID?" " Yes to both bitch" wowhooo "did your vagina throw you a party?" Both I and Audrey look at her with arched brows, jeez Lexibian has always been crazy but she is my crazy " seriously Leslie you are a loon , what does getting a party from ones vagina even mean? , " Audrey chuckles lightly, gets up and walks into her room shaking her head, "Tell me about it D, so I did and by the time I was done , Leslie was almost in my mouth, " wow girl , you mean you banged Mr Trey, my secret crush forever? And then find out he is your boss that you later went Daisy bitch on?, Now for someone without action you actually upped the chart, girl we need to celebrate" she gets up and starts twerking,I join her which is a tradition when something weird wonderful happens, I cannot count how many times we did this same dance in our apartment in college. After staying with me and helping me finish the chocolate she bought for me, she went home leaving me to prepare for bed , so as not to be late to work tomorrow. I lay on my bed but the thoughts of Mr Trey keeps hounding me, I eventually fell asleep.. woke up early dressed up and left for the office already anticipating the days events, on getting to the office, I met Amber already hard at work.. "Good morning Amber , is the boss around?" She raises her face from her laptop" Good morning miss Daisy, Mr Trey does not enter the office before 12noon, "she says with a shake of her head , I felt annoyed , what kind of work ethics does thisan have ? "Ok then , can I have his number?" She hesitates for while and then shrugs , calls out the number for me and continue with her work, I walk all the way to my office dailing the number as I go, it rings two time before it gets picked up at the third ring "hello, who is this?" " How about you guess?" "Oh , if it's not my favorite girl, in as much as I like your pussy , I don't talk to people before my morning coffee.""sorry about that sir, but you need to get your ass down here sir" He hesitates for a minute "come on sweetheart what time is it?, I cannot simply come to work by this time, at a point in time I just start laughing and then I reply him saying Mr Trey you will make yourself available please do not make me look for you I gathered that he probably wanted to say something but I dropped the call. After dropping the call, I went to my office trying to make a schedule for Mr Trey at least for the next one month, at exactly 9:30 AM Mr tree walks into the establishment looking very angry, he came to my office and just gestured for me to follow him to his own office, when we got there he asked me a simple question "OK now I’m here can you get on with it?" I gingerly open his schedule for that day Feigning innocence, "good morning Mr Trey you have an interview this morning with the Daily Times , immediately he hears that his face became darker with repressed anger ,"now you listen to me I hate interviews and besides I have been banned From interacting with interview stations "how do you expect this to go now? I sit back quietly and observe him before speaking up listen Mr Trey the journalist is young It won’t take much time please you need to cooperate. He sighs heavily and then get up and then asks me to lead the way, as we are about to go , he gets a whif of my perfume, and leans in" you smell as good as I remember, and sound as loud also" with the shock on my face he comes closer pushing me to the wall and pinning me there " what did you think I did not recognize you scarlet?" I push him away slightly still shocked" look David I signed a non fraternizing contract, so please don't do that again" he was about to say something when someone barged in, a lady in her late 20's came looking shocked " Fiona this is Daisy my publicist, Daisy Fiona director of Art, yes Fiona anything the matter?" She recovers from her shock , sends a glare my way and returns the smile to Mr Trey , which caused me to roll my eyes" Mr Trey sir , just came to ask you if you have agreed on the photoshoot section that recommended" " oh yes Friday right?" She nods " ok then, but kindly clear it with my publicist, so we are on the same page" she nods again and walks out. We met with Mr Ruck while we were on our way to the interview section, he did a double take and gave me an approving look " wonderful Daisy you got him out of his house before 10am ? Wow great work dear," he looks over at David " how does it feel to be here early?, " David was trying to reply him but he was gone , he just shakes his head and we head to the elevator, on getting there he let me enter first, and the elevator started it's decent. A couple of seconds in the elevator and it comes to a stop totally, with us trapped in it , with the light off and everywhere dark, we had to turn on the torch on our phone, the atmosphere got charged immediately, he just keeps staring heatedly at me, and i him, " why did you do it?" " Do what" duh i knew what but i have to play dumb, " why did you pick up a random man from a night club , and take him

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