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Just another series; book 1

Chapter 2 Sexy she devil

Word Count: 1104    |    Released on: 17/11/2022

2 (Mas

se leaki

r for the near future because someone was

r a call in the evenin

house, but the only per

nything since she was away most of the time and she

bought myself an apar

er in a small bu

paid well and I did wh

t hear me c

the other equipment on the table wh

sister and let he

l be staying here for a few weeks. Some plumbi

d the corner I re

tood a woman sure, bu

ng red hair haunted

he things you can't have

rds to describe my sister's

e reason, s

ways been

't understan

at others told her about me, and she just


those rumors a

e it with her own eyes bef

do to deserve this

the ceiling when sh

to soothe me but I felt like there was more t

had a suitcase in one hand a

suitcase? Don't tell me y

th pure hatred writt

d to be some kind of genius. But guess I was wrong. What are you do

y starting to

ing. It was still my house j

es in my apartment. Now if you would be kind enough to

daggers my way but I wa

she was i

right to know

y apartment and my purse was stolen. And the cherry on top is, now I have to live with you. If my day goes any worse I will s

why she was

didn't have

r her, but the last part s

e worst thing possible to s

e for half a day anyways so it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe if you decide to be civil, come find me. Otherwise keep that negativi

ding in the halway and went back

r before my new roomie managed to do so a

hone with her cheerfu

g on? I only have a few m

sister w

t friends and

told each oth

anything for her and I am sur

be using our house for a few weeks because so

she started speaking really fast, t

could stay in my room and I know you guys hate each ot

ddle of her word vomit

rew her usual insults my way, and we decided to keep to ourselves while we s

laxed and laug

way around. But ok. I trust you. Just don't be evil to

Rachel really had a bad day so I promised to b

a few weeks with t

could it

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