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Hetty Wesley

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2744    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

. So far as they could judge-for he stood with the waning light at his back-he was not ill-featured; but, by his manner of mopping his brow, he was most ungracefully hot, and Molly

m-half uneasy, half familia

adies! And nice and co

ll me if Parson W

answered. "He has

as a trick-a sort of slip-out-by-the-back and not-at-home to a creditor. I've heard

ia rose and

lead for window-casements, eight-six; new fireplace to parlour, one-four-six: ancettera. I'm a plumber by trade-plumber and glazier-and in business at Lincoln. William Wright's my name, and Right by nature." Here he grinned. "Your father would have everything of the best; Epworth tradesman n

d, sir, in due course,

e of her sisters we

ignore the man's prese


here's that beauty, yonder," he jerked his thumb at Hetty. "She's the pick. My word, and you are a beauty, bridling to yourself there, and thinking dirt of me. Go on, I like you for it: you can't show too much spirit for William Wright." Molly's hand closed over Hetty's two, clasped and lying in her lap: Hetty sat motionless as a statue

ad fallen on the mound, and for some moments the sisters re

ezzy at length, dra

voice was hard, "don't be a goose! The poor creature

om her skirt and walked

villainous portrait, as he acknowledged to himself with a sigh. Parts of it must be rubbed out, and his right hand rummaged in his pocket and found a crust. But Johnny, among other afflictions

, with baked potatoes. Run, that's a good soul: and on your way get Jane to give you a tin of oatmeal-tell her I must have it if she has to scr

t hand and transcribed carefully; his drawings were atrocious, and he never attempted a woodcut without gashing himself. But he kept a humble heart, and for all the family a devotion almost canine. To him the Rector, with his shovel-hat and stores of scholarship, was a god-like man; with his air, too, of apostolical authority-for Johnny, whom all Epworth set down as good for nothing, reflected the Wesley notions of the Church's majesty. In his dreams-but only in his dreams-he saw himself such a

all: but Hetty

talk, yet within call, should they summon him. Now the goddess had descended from her mountain with a comma

waiting with her sleeves

rgot the tinder-

nd produced it triumphan

ught o

break up the sticks. "This is my business. I am going into service, i

dry leaves as basis. The twilight deepened around them as she built. Next she struck flint on steel, caught the spark

erself upon her knees as the blaze caug

Hetty brought a born gift; a hand so light, quick, and cool, that Johnny could have groaned for his own fumbling fingers. A dozen cakes were finished and banked in the wood-ashes as the fire died down to a steadily glow

de her. Together they spread the two meals, one beside the fire for the family, the other s

urious enough in its origin, which was that they knew each other better than the rest. Often and quite casually Hetty would guess some thought in her mother's mind hidden from her sisters. She made no parade of this insight, set up no claim upon i

t in triumph, Hetty swept her a curtsey with skirt held

'tis! and how good 'tis

en a duel of tempers on the road, and that, likely enough, papa had bounced into the house in a huff. The others had, in fact, witnessed this exit. Hetty, who divined it, went the swiftest way to eff

pon appetising lumps of butter. She forgot her vexation. Even the Wroote labourers seemed less surly than usual. One or two, as they gathered, stepped forward to welcome her a

ey?" asked Kezzy. "And are we all to

heir uncle's boxes, when handed over and examined, contained no papers at all, no will, no bonds, not so much as a scrap to throw light o

s our brothers! Westminster and Oxford for them, and afterwards, it seems, a fortune: while we sit at home in rags, or

will clothe us when he gets this money. Perhaps he will even fi

. Wesley gently; "though I may persuade him to let the lad decide

milia mused, "if our fa

me to hear. You know it has been almost a vow with

ve God too. There is no law that an Irish sq

smouldering fire. The girl had heard (for it was kitchen gossip) that Mr. Wesley had once quarrelled with his wife over politics, and left Epworth rectory vowing never to return to her until she acknowledged William III. for her rightful king; nor indeed had returned until William's death made the vow idle and released him.

find with my John La

, mother, if this fire were lit in the fields here, and you sitting by it to scare the beasts from your three sons! I cannot like that David. Saul, now, was a man and a king, every inch of him, even in his dark hours. David had no breeding-a pretty,


Saul's daughter, and had seen that man capering be

p and strode away

ween her fingers, and kept wringing it as she paced to and fro. Why had she given way to passion? Why, on this n

ercharged it overflows, nine times out of

laughed while Molly entreated her. In the dyke the bla

will shine steadily and guide me! K

s in the bed where they slept together: and with a wail

she muttered. "I d

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