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Volin Women’s Academy

Chapter 4 Feelings

Word Count: 3040    |    Released on: 19/11/2022


ne who walked in on me while I'm naked! This is another reason why I insisted on having the room on my own! I sighed and looked a

a Artem. And an Artem always stayed in the past.

Let's." When I turned to my best friend, I wondered what she's wearing. She's wearing a black l

head. I'm glad. Knowing Faina injured in her mission will make me angry. She's the fragile one in the group. While Varva

rds the door. "Faina.. the skirt." I threw her the skirt and waited for her to put it on. "Don't walk around without your skirt again." She

ed attitude she has really turns everyone on. Plus she have this mysterious side we don't know about." She'

eem worried as well." She's right. Varvara does do that a lot now. She

ed me. "Wha.. she broke up with me. There's no need to be jealous of someone who

levator door opened, Zoya was waiting for them at the other side of the door. "Oh. Hey.

talk. Is it true Irina saw you naked?" I stopped dead on my trac

egardless the gender." Thank you for stating the fact Faina. I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I was hoping sh

rtem." Zoya giggled. "I'm glad. Because I heard Athena telling her friends that she want to date Irina. It's

k you Faina for being the one telling me the bad news. But, I have to admit, knowing Athena wanted

us. "Seriously?" I asked. She nodded. "Your ex suggested it." I handed my stuff to Faina while I'm

forward. When I felt her hands grabbing my wrist, I turned and twisted her hands away from m

rden. "You can release me now." I said and she did. When I face her, she didn't changed at all. Al

is inappropriate question. Goodbye." I turned around and started to walked away. She stopped me

by this gesture. It's been so long since my lips been kiss on. When I realised we've making out at the first place we met, I pushed her away and wiped my mouth. She fell butt first and

she is useless and weak! "I have nothing to say. I heard you're going to date my roommate. Just date her and leave me alone." S

p. "Don't worry. I won't disturb your relationship when you manage to have her in your grasp. For now, I will do as I please." If only I can punch this bitch without getting in


or and listened to the melodious sound that the violin made. She's one talented violinist. Full of sorrow, love and passion. I may not know music that much but hers

nformed me. I went to my table and opened the letter. It's them alright. The crest is a giveaway. I read thro

s." I simply said. She got up to a sitting position with her messy hair and loos

r. They will only used you. That's how they

stion. "We are one of the leading organisation that believe that the corrupted world leader

oney to exploit all of the world's nature reserve and used them as their private

? "I'm going to have a bath. Don't walk in on me!" She waved her hand. I placed my blazer on the bed and grabbed my towel. This time I make sure to lock the do

This water really ease my problem a bit. Now that the Empire reaching out to me, I have no choice but to obliged. But they really need to send some money to me if they want good result.

I rudel

t's the one who send the letter earlier." I

b and grabbed my robe. I tied it up before walking out o

I thought we agreed on to never meet m

us. He needs to talk to you alone about the new mission. That's why he didn

bag on my bed. "Only the best for our favourite assassin." They

w, please follow us." Irina threw something again

of this room before I skin you both alive." The guys tried to be strong but their han

week. Since I've moved here from Russia, my hands just aching to punch someone. Step

When they closed the door, I turned to Irina. "Something

h ajar open. I can't believe those boys dare to looked at my nipple and didn't even tell me! I c


top notch office building. I removed my helmet and went inside the fancy looking door towards that man who want us all t

in his office. When I saw two of the guys who met me in the

us." I smiled back and grabbed them both by their crotc

r you both." I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I turned I saw him smiling at me. "Release

he desk. "Well not all of them. Some do." I just want to kill him right

ll, he's being bold tonight. "How much do you pay me?" I asked. He smiled and snapped his

e is this chick hiding? "Alright. If I give you her head, I want this money and... my freedom from your dirty wor

he saw me smiling. "But... fine. I'll set you free if you succeed." My smile get even wi

d by him. "The ones I send you is not enough?" I shake my head. "It's

You think you're all that?" A voice stopped me from walking down the hallway. I

so much." He scoffed and walked forward. "Evara. You might b

y. He's jealous I got to kill Seraphim Blade huh. "What's up Leonardo? Jealous I got to kill t

o it." He smiled. "Oh of course not your highness. All I'm asking is a night with you

hop it off before you could even stroke it yourself. Now, get off my personal space before I pull your tongue all the

haking and trembling?" I asked him. No idea why that

bullet I fire, every swing I did with my sword, I lost grip on my human instinct. Don't tell me who I am

me to sleep with you. I hate guys who has no heart or the eye

sing the weaklin

"You no fun sir." I continued to walked out of the office building and we

h how my blade will pierce through yo

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