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Imperia Luna

Chapter 3 Allies

Word Count: 2608    |    Released on: 21/11/2022


ered her nose when she was hit with unfavourabl

my students haven't come with your food yet. Since the pet shop still closes at this hour, they said they know

mals?" Imperia clear her throat

takes a seat as Miss Kingston gives both of the vampires a cup o

ent that he manages to get from his friend. Evangeline and Daphne appeared be

y carrying bottles of blood in here." Daphne whispered to her friend as they imme

don't think Keres has the same approach as her. She legit would kill

aren't supposed to exist." As they were storing the bottles of blood, Caleb went

eir head violently. Caleb sighs heavily. As he looks straight into the rodent's eyes, it rem

t is Meow Caleb's referring to. As he was debating with himself if she should just let the rodent escape and gets in trouble wi

kill our own food as well?" Keres grabbed the rodent with her bare hands and effortlessly twist the rodent in half. Blood squirted

ragon while riding on its back? Have you ever spar one on one with a demon who wish nothing but to destroy your kind? O

itchen." Caleb instinctively vomits all over the counter whe

who pretended to be busy staking the blood into the refrigerator. Keres rolled her eyes and went to Imperia herself.

naged to seduce the queen and made her one of her mistresses. The human was and still is a good

he queen was still a ruler?" Daphne

me everything that I ever desire. Even though her father was the sole reason for my kingdom and family's demis

ound like you two have a history t

t of into a romantic relationship. Imperia was a queen after all. Promiscuous act without t

no choice but to let her do whatever she wants because you have no right to be jealous of the o

were never official back in the day. So, why would I feel jealous?" I

t?!" Caleb's eyes wi

rare since every Egyptian royalty preserved their family history but not for this one. The queen said she knows who the person resides insi

? And why now; after the 'queen' of 'Gotus' went back to li

t artefact around the forbidden valley. For whatever reason, I was told that it's important for us to be th


foot outside of Cairo's International Airport. Miss Kingston turned to Caleb and asks him to rent

tel?" Miss Kingston asked Daphn

lied without lookin

ioned. We don't have the leisure of time when it comes to this matter." I

wish to rest before continuing with this pointless journey you forced us to go with you."

nd is trying to open that sarcophagus, and if they manage to open it, it would be too late for me to

's just your way of forcing us to follow your bidding. We're tired

to wake up in front of you. They are too worried that they might not get enoug

ay Hotep?" Miss

ried to think back to her school days when she took the ancient Eg

ext about Hotep at one of the stone tablets that was believed to be written by the royal priest. They believed that their princess has indulged herself in dark

ide on this site, I need to see it with my own eyes." When Caleb and Evangeline came back w

mmy in Egypt. Come on!" Evangeline tried to persuade her friend, bu

ey know it will be rewarding in the end. While Evangeline looks at the map and guides Caleb throu

er way to my kingdom after her father had announced the birth of his newborn son. Hotep was supposed to be the next ruler

plored that I turned her into my kind was the first for me. Besides, turning a human into a vampire was not easy like what humans had portrayed in their writing

k on her anymore. I tried to change her mindset, but it seems like she had chosen to

elf and almost died in the process. Without knowing that she possessed such a tremendous amount of spiritual power, the ritual backfired. Still, in the end, because of he

d them to leave the ground and seek refuge in the tent. But when Imperia steps her fo

ers, Miss Kingston old friend,

d to see her friend but still curious about the two mysterious

ur boss does. Is that okay?" Since Miss Kingston was an old friend that had

burial ground. That's all that I can do for

Miss Waters guide her into the tunnel that will lead them to Hotep's final resting place. When Imperia a

iest men alive until something happened to one of their crew." Miss Water

sive nose bleed. He was announced dead minutes after losing so much blood. As you can see, we tried to clean the blood, but it's futile." Imp

ice. Out of nowhere, the ground suddenly shook as if they were experiencing an earthquake.

golden statue of Anubis suddenly ap

ver-lasting slumber?" Anubis asked whe

are talking to someone far greater than you are." Anu

t permitted. She is bound to be inside her cage, and that is she shall remain." Imp

s loo

to free her from her punishmen

nds of years ago." Imperia smiled from ear

ly killed by Hotep who rises from her sarc

shouted to gained Hotep's attention

at you?!" Hote

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