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His irresistible bride.

Chapter 4 Catherine most leave

Word Count: 890    |    Released on: 22/11/2022

ruin your dreams" Justin Woods begge

e the company's Director." Now he is planning to send that his immatu

u will pay for this" She screamed in pai

embraces her f

orry" he soft

e and go to the UK, I am sorry, tell me how I will make it

im chase Evelyn Cathy's mother away. Even though she was pregnant with a child. Claudia ma

oncerned about Cath

ghter back to her mother. I guess she has started seeing a man. Sh

ed Claudia to maltreat his daughter all this while and now she wanted Catherine to be sent back to her si

r miserable mother, then leave me alone and let me

irst thing tomorrow mornin

h that slot in this house

ll is two drives from here, but how do you expect her to g

leave" Claudia has used this threat in the past

tabbed. Claudia's words hurt so badly.

s why Catherine was brought to him that was

knows many influential people not only in the Top city where they lived but in the entire country. She will not only make his

t go. Please all I am asking is f

ia threatened him, clenching her fists and she walke

se you never know what I am capable of doing" she muttered t

ity and go score free." She murm

e house. The night was lonely and dark, It was late in the winter, the ou

y or was it because I was at t

nt her to get worked up it's better she doesn't know anything because she will

any car, and she was also freezing to death. The snow was heavy tonight, she can't spot any bus coming and she doubt that

down on the only bench in the station. Huggin

t awaited her in North hill. T

nside. The car drove away, and within two hours later, she

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