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My Ex-Husband Is A CEO

Chapter 4 The Successful Surgery.

Word Count: 1364    |    Released on: 29/11/2022

The Success

receive it, my head was stunned partly because I was too worried about my daughter and now I am too suspicious about the large amount of mone

ss. I don't think badly of him, even before they both got married and after we got married I always loved him, alone. My daughter Min ha

e hos

e had a different attitude af

u are assured, I am one of the most skilled doctors in t

Dr. Jack, and I nodded with tremblin

thankful to you, my daughter... Min needs y

somewhat frightened and confused. Jack shoo

let Miss Mindian have any good orders, if I let Miss Mindia

ack's attitude, the patient's family thanked the doctor, but Jack'

ed of, but I'm sure this has someth

on and I didn't want her to be afraid or worried about it, but anyway Min

alth checks don't need to be here that many times.” -

ld be doing, as people, we need to com

ng as always, Min sh

aces in the world we don't want to go and s

always wondered if Min was so smart that it wasn't a g

?" - I

hose documents. I watched as my daughter was gradually taken to the operating room, Min was too young to have h

like I'd aged a few years waiting in fear and helplessness, scared because I didn't know my daugh

stant have been out of the operating room. I heard the footsteps an

ghter? Where is she? Ho

success, Miss Mindian has been trans

s, I fell to the floor, my eyes were red, and my nose was sp

thank you,

up, his face

our duty, this is what we need to do, let

and take me to her.

amenities and full of medical equipment, and everything is always ready for different situations. Mi

first, his respectful attitude

of a very weak three-year-old who was lying on the bed caused


e only one left. If you had any bad things hap

t make me any less worried about Min, my hands c


he nurse could monitor the health situation, I also asked for time o

t time? You don't like this place.” - Min

t flicker, but I still

we won't have to go to

but I don't understand why I expect him to be in the house waiting for me to come back. For

e living room a

ision, don't be naughty,

d see Min's obedience and hones

Enzo, even though she has just a child but her fa

n though I knew him very well. He didn't love me, he took advantage

d a loud shout, “Mom!” Min's, I left the knife and b

s goin

nd pointing at the televisi

on TV, Dad on TV

got on TV, he was wearing a neat black suit, his hair was swiped back, and his face was serious

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