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Word Count: 1029    |    Released on: 25/11/2022


shed, and it shone brightly; he was also wearing the ancient ruling neckl

ere he normally keeps his golden am

eyes, expecting that when he finally opened them, he would fin

e did

ost immediately he pi

lood and the rule of

nt until he found the princess's cha

till he found himsel

enter once the door op

"Royal fa...the..r" while ho

er shake with fear, "Why i

e kingdom knew that something horrible was going to ha

ther I suddenly found it amidst my treasu

are be

I am regretting it," he stated with his eyes shining a bright blue colo

ad down in submis

you to the end of my l

t from her using magnetic

e there!" as two secu

the command, "Take her to the d

e was on the verge of breaking as she was brought to the yard where the large

lly close con

Sierra said as sh

th tears in her eyes

asked, "What is going on, and why

, he remarked, "She has th

with utter aston

hat they were doing to watch, and it was not

way of beli

possesses magic, w

she wants to draw even m

ething that Princess Judy

behave in such a way as

overed on her person while s

ard muttering, "Th

ake in each statement that was said about her. After that, she swiftly faced th

he inside and thought, "I am

ry, and as soon as he caught sight

t belonging to the king," and as soon as

at Judy and then to

gged her Majesty, "Your Majesty,

s, "Royal father, please have mercy, please forg

that His Majesty is b

tt a

d, "Curse me if that is

aw that anyone who steals shall be expelled from the realm

ather, he

Could Yo

le cradling the ta

ng, "Your Majesty, I am appealin

pt to sound childlike,

cause you have stolen, which is a violation of the law of this

he swiftly went away and whirled around, his amulet shone in a yellow col

ering, but the bright light did

he waile

Judith," and stared at JoJ

"I hope you get what you deserve," as the yellow

y by the wave, which began to carry her rapi


ra sh



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