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Alpha Kayden's Revenge

Chapter 3 Rejecting Him

Word Count: 1594    |    Released on: 28/11/2022

im. I continue to judge his weakness with my eyes and from his frail-looking body, I doubt he will ever improve and be strong. Why couldn't I will be like Stacy, not only is she beautiful but

ust go on with your life I don't need you as my mate you have nothing to offer me. You are just an omega I bet on top of being weak you are dirt poor too. " I say as my eyes sweep over his outfit. He wore a simple black plain t-shirt and black ripped jeans, which he paired with worn-out running sneakers. He looks offended by my remark but quickly covered it with an emotion I couldn't read. Not that I care about his feeling he can go to hell for all I care. "So this is what this is about power and money?" he asks sadly his voice dropping by tempos. "Not money but the power I am a beta I deserve better, someone with a higher rank but what do I get paired up with. " I gesture to him. " Just take a good look at yourself then look at me." He is too stunned for a moment and I begin to wonder if he will say anything until he does." You are just a power-hungry bitch." I sneer at him. "At least I go some power, unlike someone." I mock him, my sneer only making it worse. He seriously thinks I would be proud to have him even being mateless is better than that. His anger shadows his face and I only sneer more as if he can even do anything. He begins to turn, "Not so fast," I stop him. His forest green eyes are instantly on me. One word I can describe them by is beautiful even when they hold anger and contempt for me. But even that is not enough to change my mind about what am about to do." What is your name?" he stumbles my question catching him off guard. He frowns at me he clearly can't guess what am going at. "If you don't want me then why should my name be important to you?" He spats his voice even deeper from the anger lased with it. He didn't take my insults well. "What do you think stupid weakling?" I taunt him. He glares at me and I reply to his glare with a smirk. I am getting on his nerves and I love it. "Give me your none important name like your none important self." I insult him further. He tightens his fist and I quirk my eyebrow at him to challenge him. Should he try anything stupid and I will hand him his ass on a silver platter I have fought men who looked larger and more powerful than him and yet I still won. "My name is Kayden." He finally speaks with a defeated look on his face. Just as I thought there is nothing he could do. "Great, I Lucy Reed reject you Kayden, " I pause cause I don't know his last name. "What is your last name again. " I ask him. He glares at me, " Kayden Gray" he s

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