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The Billionaire Mafia's Wife

The Billionaire Mafia's Wife

Author: pecadoria

Chapter 1 Devon Farrows

Word Count: 1327    |    Released on: 01/12/2022

ies have already talked and planned the wedding months ago.

ance. She agreed then because her father forced and threatened her that he would kill her bes

no choice. Dad squeezed the hell

r and stroked her long black hai

23, the same age as you now. Joffrey is a lovely man for you and he likes you dur

bering the lust she read in his eyes that night as if he would a

ut we all know Joffrey is a cruel man. He's notorious for physically hurting his girlfriends

, her patience

. This conversation is over, Devon. If you want to still enjoy the favors of your fath

f panic. Pulling herself together, she thought of any way

alking with her friend, she began packing a small bag filled with some clothes and cash to last her a month. She's sure her family will s

a groups in the country, will get her punished. Gestoni Farrows knows no family

ey and anyone other than Daemon. Well, I say I

take down so badly. Several emissaries from both of the groups went to and fro to of

solutely contested. As a consequence, the wedding with Joffrey

nd hate relationship with Maddy, a senator's whore. Ru

t night. A maid brought her food to her room but she di

a way. There must be a way for me," she said to h

volved around pleasing everyone especially her father who only eyed her as a human being that will strengthen the stronghold of the mafia group to the 16th d

werful than I am now then I will not definitely be forced

llowish piece of paper inside her favorite pink pillow. S

this is betrayal to my own family. They have already betrayed

the images of the blueprint of the house so as to prevent herself from getting caught. When she is on the road, she breathed hard and put on the hoodie to cover he

many women and children disappearing in these places. I could brin

here but I also know that that place could be the most secured pla

her hands on her lap but she shove it back to her head. She will not waste time en

f the lone building in the entire Alley 56, a flourishing

de. He blocked her and pushed her aside. "Hey, lit

and I need to enter. I need t

age girls who wants to date with her boyfriend inside. Listen gal, this

idding. Let me inside.

will it b

"I need to see him. I

s doesn't just talk

t to the man. He inspected it and when he saw the eagle

'm here to see Daemon Druft. Tell him that the da

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1 Chapter 1 Devon Farrows 2 Chapter 2 Daemon Druft 3 Chapter 3 Disgusting Family 4 Chapter 4 Her Savior 5 Chapter 5 Mrs. Druft 6 Chapter 6 Jilted on Wedding Night 7 Chapter 7 The Beast 8 Chapter 8 First Fight 9 Chapter 9 Maddy Johnson 10 Chapter 10 Bloody Jealousy 11 Chapter 11 The Trick12 Chapter 12 Caught Again 13 Chapter 13 Slowly Losing Hope 14 Chapter 14 He Came15 Chapter 15 Finally Saved16 Chapter 16 The Bait17 Chapter 17 Confronted Him 18 Chapter 18 Doubts and Jealousy 19 Chapter 19 Beyond Repairable 20 Chapter 20 Forced to get Pregnant 21 Chapter 21 Raining Bullets 22 Chapter 22 To the Rescue 23 Chapter 23 Bloody Kiss 24 Chapter 24 Snakes and Wolves 25 Chapter 25 The Meeting 26 Chapter 26 Entangled Hearts27 Chapter 27 Baby Girl 28 Chapter 28 Falling Apart 29 Chapter 29 Upside Down 30 Chapter 30 A Stranger 31 Chapter 31 What did she do 32 Chapter 32 Her Knight in Shining Armor 33 Chapter 33 Saved but Threatened 34 Chapter 34 Still Caught 35 Chapter 35 You're Devon Farrows 36 Chapter 36 Back at Home 37 Chapter 37 The Reason38 Chapter 38 The Hurdle 39 Chapter 39 The Threat 40 Chapter 40 Drunken Kiss41 Chapter 41 A Glimpse 42 Chapter 42 A Brute 43 Chapter 43 Weak Spot44 Chapter 44 Cute Bickering 45 Chapter 45 Party and Families 46 Chapter 46 Meeting Her47 Chapter 47 Getting Closer 48 Chapter 48 Baby Steps 49 Chapter 49 Step One50 Chapter 50 Step Two51 Chapter 51 Melting the Ice 52 Chapter 52 As Quick as Orgasm 53 Chapter 53 Messed Up 54 Chapter 54 It's Complicated 55 Chapter 55 When Things Get Rough 56 Chapter 56 He's had Enough 57 Chapter 57 Coming Home58 Chapter 58 Miserable Apart 59 Chapter 59 Life as a Farrows 60 Chapter 60 Joffrey Her Biggest Nightmare 61 Chapter 61 I killed a man 62 Chapter 62 What lies back63 Chapter 63 The Past 64 Chapter 64 Ariane Hastings 65 Chapter 65 The Mule66 Chapter 66 Give me my Emily 67 Chapter 67 Regrets Cut Deep 68 Chapter 68 Henry's Feelings 69 Chapter 69 Grave Threat 70 Chapter 70 Big, Tiny Flowers 71 Chapter 71 Do anything for you 72 Chapter 72 Maddy vs Daemon 73 Chapter 73 Baby Trap 74 Chapter 74 The Truth Behind 75 Chapter 75 Time to Fight 76 Chapter 76 Dreams for Happiness 77 Chapter 77 Caught on the Act78 Chapter 78 Front Busted 79 Chapter 79 Melena's Dark Secret 80 Chapter 80 Mr. Henderson 81 Chapter 81 Tipping Off 82 Chapter 82 The Torturing 83 Chapter 83 Un (Satisfied)84 Chapter 84 The Drastic Decision 85 Chapter 85 The Kidnapper 86 Chapter 86 Breaking Down 87 Chapter 87 The Biggest Question 88 Chapter 88 The Replacement 89 Chapter 89 Sylvia and Gestoni 90 Chapter 90 Bomb Threat 91 Chapter 91 Partners in Revenge 92 Chapter 92 The Sacrifice 93 Chapter 93 Ruptured Thread 94 Chapter 94 A Prison Away 95 Chapter 95 The Angel 96 Chapter 96 Finally Home (end)