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Always Yours

Chapter 2 Light House

Word Count: 2967    |    Released on: 02/12/2022


people live their lives? I mean, I know we should surround ourselves with positive people and be social, but we ca

le bed, enjoying the peace. Even though I'm almost failing school due to being absent for almost half the year, I couldn't care less. I have no intention of spendin

sleeping if my aunt sees me like this, she will kill me. I gather all my strength to get out of be

d head to the kitchen. I really want to avoid seeing

ink, flour and sugar all over the place, and my aunt was practically lying on the counter dead asleep. I could h

ther and I were covered in flour, and the buttercream was almost all over our faces. My mom would try to get the buttercream off of us with a smile on her face. What wouldn't I do to see her smile one last time? I m

umped from the counter like the house was being invaded by aliens

bout almost everything. I remember one time I was helping her to dice some vegetables and I accidentally cut a little bit my finger. I ended up th

birthday,'' she says, raising her arms and hugging me.

Since my parents died, I have never been in the mood to celebrate any 'blessed day',

n her hands. A single tear got out of my eye and I could feel

I can leave with this pain anymore. " I sa

see you in this condition. You know that they wanted the best for you. They wanted to see you happy, living your life to the fullest, and I know for a fact that your

ttle monsters'' Ava says, pulling out of the hug and going to the fridge to get the cake out and putting it on the counter and putting

both them a kiss on their forehead and pulled out of the hug as they both went to Ava. Their hair is a mess from sleep. Their face

g and then eat some cake?'' she says, landing both of th

faces. It is the only thing that brings me joy on this day. I love the faces they make when the three of us are together blowing out the candles. Their faces ar

ing the cake, I help Ava clean up the

skipped school today, does it mean you have plans? Right?'' Av

or the rest of the day.'' I say, putt

tion one single detail. Ava doesn't know shit about me skipping almost half of the year. Every time I skip sch

me of my friends to go out w

e can do to you is crush you. They can make you feel like you are a lost cause and that you would be better off dead. Been there. Done that. A

ile and pretend to be with "my friends." I put my ear pods on and put on Tom Rosenthal- God stood me up. God this hits different every time. I started walking and just enjoying the

t raining, but I don't care and continue my walk. After almost half an hour of me walking, I spotted a lighthouse in the distance and decided to go there. It looks a bit old, but I bet the view from up there is going to be amusing. As soon as I got there, I tried to find the door. I got all around until I found a little door on the back of it. It was a bi

me made me forget it. The waves crashed on the rocks beneath me. The view was more wonderful than I imagined. Near me was a rusty chair but it looked in good condition, so I

ain at any moment. I got out of the lighthouse, making sure to properly close the door, and headed home. As much as I wanted to stay there and stare at that mesmerizing view in front of me

tting wet. I got into the building and went straight to the old, crusty elevator and pressed six. As soon as the elevator door opened, I got to the a

and I assumed that there was no one there, but as soon as I walked into the kitchen, I faced my aunt and Kai. She was filling a cup of wa

eetheart?'' Ave said to me, giving Kai t

illed with anger as he took his last bite of the burger. I tried to avoid his gaze and tried to act normally. Kai is Ava's husband. The father of Luna and Anna. And the

'' he said, lining up next to m

rt. I hope he

ly, and headed straight to my room without saying anything. I made sure to lock my door and my window before I went to bed. For the res

feel yourself getting tired, and at the same moment, you feel like you can run a whole football field. I got out of bed and s

ave it in my room, which meant I had to get out of it. I gather up all my strength and head for the door. I open it quickly and make my way to the kitchen, making sure I don't trip over anything. I reached the kitchen and a sigh of relief escaped my mouth, as luckily no one was there. I reach for the fridge and fill myself with a cup of water before swallowing the medicine and taking a big gu

in my back, but I ignore it as I raise my head

ing me up. "I asked you a question, sweet cheeks.'' He says, bringing his other hand to my cheeks, squeezing them, making sure to l

ssso I did that.'' I manage to say this as his grip

all worried. I'm coming home and not seeing you. Do you kn

o of me and I put my hands on the counte

y waist and his nose buried in my hair, taking a deep

to this point, sweet cheeks, but you have to learn your less

nd I quickly run to my room. I locked my door and w

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