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Mend my heart

Mend my heart


Chapter 1 New job

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 02/12/2022

unsual for a sleeping log like

searching for a jo

job..I went downstairs and greeted my mom and grandparents. my fa

s, I ate breakfast and quickly t

utes la

any where I will be working from now on. I opened my mou

some taste,I muttered to mys

ur la

explain to her about my reasons of coming. She gest

mation procedures was completed an

t first I was very disappointed at the post I was given, Because I applied for the job of a m

job, She showed me an open office at the corner of the CEO office

eing the whatsoever Boss assistant will mean I'm like his p

ng, I moved to arrange the files th

utes la

he office door opening. i immediately tu

studdenly the man beside him spoke and then

ant, a young man said while

man be the CEO of this company. I was still in my worl

ng sir," I said stamm

and was walking towards me, he round

ssional smile and respon

y Smith,I am 24

etween us, he stare directly into my eyes as

old and a proud CEO! But what are you!? You are jus

reminds me of not achieving something worthf

ou, I just want to warn you,I don't tolerate any form of

r be ready to be your best in terms of beha

ered due to nervousness

not to misbehave or lazy about i

they have already giving you the file you are to work on, beside I n

it up and bring it sir," I qu

f the office immediately. "ooops!! T

otal hellish atmosphere. But it cool t

is handsome face flashed in my

iately scold myself and went back to my

files,I indeed miss school days,I though about my


files,it was finally ready. i package it back

but no response came,I decided to go

was sitting on his seat quietly, starring a

t have being crying! I felt emo

ll I know is that he needs someone to help

it will be fine, Please don't allow this silly things to break you do

d buried his head on my chest. I co

let go of whatever might be eating

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