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Caged by the Alpha

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1100    |    Released on: 04/12/2022

glanced at him from where I was, he was on his phone texting Someone. He l

Just when I taught I can have my peace a

sked from where he sat an

ne of you


chirped in wh

I had to move it away from my

! What t

ex raised his head. He looks i

guess what?!" sh

e so happy

at i

's M

s confused " what

over it and then decided to

you aren't ki

rything and decided to give him a shot. Mo

ou don't know how


se of Alex. He pretended as if he wasn't listening

iscussion next time. I'm a little busy i

. We'll t

ed. I let ou

e call because

on came as

response. I rolled my eyes at h

w guy doesn't mean you should c

he know? My phone was o

ised face " Don


re are things you

sn't possible at all. We are all humans and that sort of thing is only seen in movies. Werewolves, vampires, w

trange at ti

cause I'm stran

ou have something against me? I don'

ing at

ll me, is there somethin

ill go off their socket." Stop saying rubbish Ella. Nothing i

the end. You two can't

" you'll fi

e hea

it's time for me to leave.

to block the door

se not, w

What have I said that is

lease. I'm not in th

e to talk to but the issue is I'll always tell y

doesn't concern you. Instead, you should focus more on

Does he mean that my mom is hiding something from me? This is conf

ust in time, Zion and Alex walked out o

I sighed dreamily, those arms were around me a few days ago. Zion sta

e but what I was sure of is that he can't see me since the windo

He spent seconds staring before



be missed. If it wasn't for Alex who told me not to check on

e looks so quiet fo

are y


id something happen when

eyes " Stella

.now I


at me " are

hat girl made it clear to you a long time ago. You should allow her and besides you

n't unde

months ago and I believe it's sorted so why can't you be happ

" I'm con

in your mind and if you decide to

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