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Chapter 7 Ventriloquist

Word Count: 3053    |    Released on: 09/12/2022

oquism by means of which men can be made to belie

C. Lic


to night began, shedding itself a

’t see a

d only

s warm glory, feel the scorching noon, feel the

was void

etimes, gory. Filled with t

he world, everything was ju

e were no rules of the world, no

ind man, everything

as I sat on my bed, thinking and trying to crea

ry of mine. I remembered how t

fan of colors

a distant memory o

looked like. How depressing black was, how uplifting

I was desperately holding onto the r

om looked like. A lamp was placed on the nightside table, illuminat

, vivid. Silver was vivid, but not vivacious. Swarovski crystals

old me when I had nightmares. The maids were instructed to change

it easier for me. A walk in closet directly across from the bed, at

ters, the feel of a plain page under my finger tips. I was

The sofa was black leathered, the table was a small one made of glass. There was supposed to be

supposed to be mad

owness, beige is the color of serenity, white represents purity. Gress was a refreshing, fulfilli

o remem

, my body becoming more aware of t

now what c

bered m

was the colors fadin

an overly sweet perfume, a


my stick, straigh

f her footsteps

Estevan,” Her voice a

ere,” I ord

lso needed to deliver a


s. Campbell to move into


n my private space, specially a human wh

to lose my cool, my fantasy

move to the

ir, Mr

th, my temper flaring, “And send the dinner

thing else?” Was that pit

s board in its respective place

ical. It was a sense I had developed after


, clicking it twice on the floor, directing to the glas


ything,” I stated quietly,


sighed, irritation

resonating in the room be

ason my mind kept reverting back to Archer’s command. Letting

I was bothered by her, there was something

like a sensual kind of way. Like she could use and discard men. A

hint of cocoa mingled with her own smell,

my sense of smell. It coul

ixen is what bothered me the mos

hrough the darkness of my world. I

d he l

ning from a 12 year old small boy to a 25 year old man. H

s his mentor and his friend. He was

n his ear? The scars he had from my panic attacks, did they stay

es loosening up. Archer was the only person

ome in b

smile crawled up my face, his w

ing as my ears detected the clutter of the metal cu

k jeans,” He muttered quietly, placing the

iated him describing what he had worn on a respe

o hold onto my memories

d off of a bowl, the aroma of roasted beef got more profound. I tr

resonated, accompanied with his footsteps. I felt the bed d

mall, guilty almost. I could have chuck

to move next to my room?” I raised an

it’s to

ighed, already done with this c

p! Stop acting like

my manners?

ould feel the distaste radiating off of him, “You hurt your foot a w

ng me shower?”

g my forehead. A glare

ry,” I sighed, “You

s before that

out a

Her job as a nurse is to help you live better. She is here for only 6 months, be nice to her.” I felt him nudging my right

tively better tha

uld feel his distaste turned excitement reverberating around me, “Ad

around me like some annoying pest?” I fr

k or accompanying you from afar when you are taking

sly giving t

nying me wh


king a huge compromise,” I no

rules,” Archer pleaded, “Br

smile that displayed

me. Shouldn’t it have been the other way r

What matters is that we ma

ldn’t protect you when you needed it

ng about it,” Archer muttere

ly sigh in

e remained silent, a moment passe

in the room next to yours,


into my room,

t if som

ping down the plates and straightening

ou mean, contr

standing up, “I almost forgot,

nds clenching arou

ibility of you receivi

w s

le of m

spine as cold sweat

you s



re despite getting it s

could see th

git, I am sure that we will

the tissues won’t

Archer articulated, “Pleas

ed away, his shoe

feel like I

s of my chest increa

closet, changing into a more comfortable shirt, leaving th

r the light switch. Not that I needed to turn o


k that concealed half of my face. Grabbin

n hide my sc

nto me as I closed my eyes, shutting do

as a poison to me. A poison th

wanted to

ear old boy crying his heart

ad lea

angels…” My voice w

ng at my yo

am? Did he leav

e you know?” I smiled ge


to him

r eyes?” I saw him pointing at my ba

no a

take your

no a

er,” He said quietly, “I kno

morphed into the black ch

ere this

opped t

e bro, seriously, you be

him be.


ed the break, tryi

n’t st

ooking at dad and

n the steering that d

s my

ision as I saw a truck coming

I whis

n’t happen




g. My body was stilled, cold sweat formed all over

urmur filled my senses as I be

a long time ago, the sound

ell of coc

s in m

n, I grabbed the mask an

ed, feeling my throat

e fumbling, she poured a glass of wa

way my skin ting

cool liquid travel down, cal

I asked as I breathed heav

ming, I heard i

y room under any circ


ime, you will be f


h to prolong

arms engulfing

d, stiff. Then slowly the

s hugg

e warm floral smell of her hair, the mixture o

r g

parated only by the flimsy material of her night dres

voice was soft, soot

in her voice, it was, as if she was

nned the nape of my neck,

k a deep breath before t

you doing?

mine is the major factor behind happiness so I figured if I


” I state

r. Est

the consequences you actions might bring,” I slowly inched towar

you harm. I am pardoning you for th


owled, feeling anger

angry at Archer for placing her into the room next to mine

f for letting myself

voice was small, quiet, “

ong the floor as she


ame to a ha

se, neither keep the doors u

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