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The devil's whore

Chapter 2 Ep 2

Word Count: 507    |    Released on: 14/12/2022

loved kids, and knew a lot about them. she bit her lips as memories flooded in, which she pushed out of her mind. Not now, not ever. In an hour she was done shopping. she drove home and got out o

ed a little and brightened her eyes in recognit

" she replied and

gs?". Stacy asked cheer

a bit faster. she tripped on a can and staggered forwa

tiffening a laugh, walked t

e muttered in

second floor. There was little silence. Lesley glanced at Stacy who was chewing a bubble gum and scrolling t

s the lift doors closed. she pressed the button for the fifth floor.

pped out of the lift walking through the empty hallway with doors either side of her. She stopped at apartment number 256. she slipped the keys into the lock. It clicked open and she went in

began to stuff away


children loved dishes, especially home made dishes, so she would prepare her one. she had always loved to bake and cook so she would put on her best. sh

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