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YOU ARE MINE ( my Bunny)


Word Count: 1056 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 14/12/2022

a pillow at me" Camila said and Helen sigh " You girls sh

sh girl, how your boyfriend is doing?" she asked smiling mockingly and Camila look at

know? Kelly and her friends will have beaten you black and blue if not for Andy that save

I followed Kelly on the back when she went to your class and I followed you guys when she took you to that place, I

nothing when your only sister was been bullied. You

my sister. You where adopted" she said and

ou thought about it? How can some one give birth to two children in just two years? Haven't you

rn to her " are you my real mother?" she asked and Helen look at Mary sus

I didn't say anything to her" she answer " it's a

" Camila!! You are my child" she said and Camila stand up " Just tell m

ous? How old are you?" She asked and Camila clean her face " I'm 1

o dumb" She said and Cami

u say I was 18? I was such a fool to have

mila, just go in and take your bath. Meet me at the saloon later,

" If you don't come to the salon, I'll make sure I burn all the

p saying those stupid things to Camila, you know how she is, she takes unnec

at girl." she said and stands up " I'm going out mum, my friend is celebratin

salon with me right?" Helen asked Ben and he node his head. " Good boy, eat

st arrives now. " Where have you been? " Helen asked immediately Camila

omer's hair. " I fell asleep and.. " Littl

" What ? I said what? It's none of your business" Said Camila to lit

ore" Helen said bringing out a shampoo from the nylon. After some minutes

ing? " She asked and Camila

you there's something you will do for me. Didn't I? " Helen sa

lace. " Oh well, you are to mix some ingredients for m

up from the chair and walk closer to her m

mila smile " You remember what I said earlier right

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