's room's balcony, Anjali w
of his room! Most of the photos were Arun's potrait or hi
rait of Arun which was p
oked more human but his lips forgo
id creature"
y husband now" she added
worker announced standing
y placed her bags in the
s nearly mid night and he was no where but after th
e needed to talk it was all sudden and sh
smile and nodded as no
out a night wear from h
to stare at herself in the mirror infront of h
ted that much! She knew his family were sweet, his brothers t
to her which made her miss her parents ! But she
e she was new there or maybe
li wore her night wear and s
urn towards the door ! She saw Arun walking i
into her! She was all alone with him right now
Anjali and took a mi
him with thousands of questions and that
irs to her neck! Which told him s
nose as the alcohol smell
ook a step back and rubbed his nape and r
e pappers in his hands and alr
t "he told and handed ov
n! It was not even 24hrs after they got married bu
ding !did she actually planned to give it a chance ? Ev
e was a bit steady and strict than b
el herself looking at him and the way his eyes
his and trust me Anjali i can be anything but a responsible husband who earns a good
ut me and I know nothing about you and I don't think this marriage will work" Arun told and Anjali doubted
deep breath
s the reason why i agreed to marry! And i did had plans to escape for this m
was your pl..?' not letting Anjali
re not interested in this wedding? Am I right?"
er that you are going in a different path and I am going in a different path! Untill then i won't distu
words seems so simple but does he even u
told and went i
head! That man gave her a headache tal
pected to be her husband ! His ways of living was different and
her and loving her felt far away so all Anjali could think and do was pick
he moon ,the stars e
ing stars always remind her of her parents
Anjali's mind went
er so called husband who was now la
hat moment,she felt sad , conf
! Imagine marrying someone in the morn
mission, Anjali walked into the room pulling the c
ooner than expe
herself to the washroom Anjali quickly did he
YouTube and tried to drap the 6 meter c
dly missed shi
ed kurti and white pants and tried her best to loo
ced how Arun slept peacefull
g for her life with that
ali looked around the room and pulled t
rm sunlight disturbe
on him "maaaaaaa" he groaned again
mom doing it! A chuckle escaped
huckling at him?" Something in her questioned with ma
er in laws who was waiting
inged with a mes
mportant to say Anjal
anding near the table ,Vani
minutes?" She asked an