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Dangerous Woman

Chapter 2 The Life of Claudette Lowe

Word Count: 3260    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


ngle her that time. "I know. Can you just chill for a second! Why are you so obsessed with me having a job? It's your JOB to provide for us since you're the husband and I am the wife!" I don't know what came over me when I blurted it all out. I was surprised when he didn't respond to me at all. I was almost sure he would hit me or something. "I'm going to let that slide for today. But if you fail to nail this job, you should be ready for what will come to you later tonig

raduated from college was not in my life agenda but, after having Herminia, I never been happier. At first, I was worried that it might be hard but it's not. I'm so used to it now that everything seems to be easy from here and now. I went to the car and noticed that Roger and our daughter were waiting for me. He seems pissed but when I entered the car, he gave our daughter to me and just drive towards the address I gave him last night. "This is the place?! Are you sure?" I never expected it'll be this extravagant! My image of a start-up company was far from what I'm seeing right now. "Yes, this is the address alright." I got out from the car togethe

at me. "First day here?" She asked. "No, I'm here for an interview." "Oh, for the accounting department?" I nodded. She's pretty though. "How old is she?" She asked about Herminia. "She's 8 months old." Seems like she's fond of children. "I have a daughter myself. She's 2 years old. My boss likes to call her little gremlin though since my daughter likes to pour any kind of food on her head." I gasped. "She did that to your boss?! It must be

to yell at everything. I was scared but I need to know which floor though. Ugh, come on Claudette, you can do this! "Excuse me, ma'am." The woman stopped walking towards the daycare and turned to face me. "Yes?" She actually replied me! "Which floor should I go for my interview with Miss Maya Abbot?" I was scared when she didn't show any facial expression. "I was planning to meet Maya myself. Could you wait for me? I want to send my sons to the daycare first." I nodded. She gave me a small smile. *** Oh my God! Oh my God

a lot of people in the waiting area though. They seem so distinguished! I feel small. "Hi, I'm here for the interview." The woman behind the counter smiled at me. "Hello, ma'am. Welcome to Clemonte Corporation. Your name please?" I told her my name and she asked for my certificates and necessary files to present later on. She asked me to wait in the waiting area until my name is called. Seeing everyone waiting for their turn, it's making me more nervous. Some of them even practicing how to greet the interviewer. "Hi. Nervous? I am. I can't even sleep last night." A woman greeted me. "Yea. I have

being called. "Don't be nervous. Please follow me." She smiled. I followed her towards a room where she opens the door and let me in. This is a beautiful meeting room though. My eyes landed on two figure. One of them was the woman from earlier and the other ... was the woman who I met at the restaurant yesterday! Let me tell you, she's not the same person she was yesterda

, let me get this straight. They fired you because the intern did something unnecessary and let the intern taking your old position?" I nodded. That basically what happened. They both suddenly laughed at me. "We're sorry. But, it's expected from Amber though. Letting such people work in her company like that! I bet her father really proud of her for doing such thing." Miss Maya said with a laugh. They seem to know the CEO. "Back to business. If you were to be selected among all who came today, what will you

new accountants and auditors. I can't believe we manage to find these 4 outstanding people to be part of our team." Miss Maya smiled at me. "Your basic salary will be $6000. If you manage to do wonders, your salary will increase as well. I hope you can start by tomorrow." $6000? That's more than what I get at my old job. "Yes! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!" I thanked them all. This is great! I finally landed a decent job for once! *** "How was your interview?" The babysitter asked me when I waltz in the daycare center. "I got the job! I never knew

things for her workers huh?" She smiled. "From the stories I heard, she was raised in an orphanage. Another version of the story, she was abandoned somewhere around a church and the nuns found her laying around with nothing but a piece of white cloth. But, whatever the versions are, it's something to look up to when she's this successful in life." The babysitter praising her boss too much. It's almost li

up to the person talking to me, I was surprised. It's the woman from yesterday, the one who stopped Roger from hitting Miss Maya. "I'm sorry for yesterday. My husband was not being himself." She gave me a small smile. "It's fine. I was glad that I manage to stop him from hitting her. If not, he probably in deep trouble since he will be accused of hitting the daughter of a member of the parliament." She chuckled. Say what now? My jaw dropped. Miss Maya is a minister's daughter?! Seems like Herminia think it's funny that I'm making such face. "Don't worry. Everything

he disappeared as she turned to the corner. Damn it, why do I feel something weird whenever she's near me. I was brought back to reality when my phone started to ring. Eh, Roger? I slide it open and read his text. This is weird, he's outside? But why? Did I ask for a ride just then? It's all so blurry. Like the text read, my husband was waiting for me. When I entered his car, h

become so fixated on how much we spent our money?! I guess it all started right after we know that I'm pregnant I guess. He started to spent a lot of time at work rather than being w

and the house, we should have enough. I'm curious about his doing behind my back. But, I don't know why I keep on trustin

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