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Judith of the Godless Valley


Word Count: 5167    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

lways keep your poncho on the bac


heir paces. Late in the afternoon when she was working the animals in the corral, it seldom happened that one of Lost Chief's riders was not perched on the buck

further against the trip. He usually joined the audience on the buck f

wn and old Johnny rode up. Jimmy Da

r you've finally reached the g

r the moment, strolled o

you that


my goal is, but i

y. "Jimmy, I wish you'd ask Little Marion to come over and help

he won't come. She isn't so well.

depones like you was a doctor tha

gave Jimmy a keen look. "Wha

Mountain City yet. She left before Charleton

ly been off the ranch this su

e go along up with him and Judith when they went to Mountain City. I got

sk him," said Douglas, with

Grandma. "Let me catch you lally-gagging off

said the old man, belligerent

long, Johnny!" exclaimed

crazy, Doug!"

uglas. "He and I had better go up

" cried Jimmy. "But you should care, Jude! You'll have the

not," said Judith. "What's the matter with Little Ma

urth-class postmaster of ours sent a lot of unclaimed magazines and mail order catalogs up to the house. We've been reading

see Marion to-night or

urned Jimmy. "It's a long tr

on have been baching it

sed to take me out

." Jimmy mounted his horse. "

s going to be marr

homeward. "I don't kno

ne with Charleton," rem

he rubbed S

ou'd hate a long trip with t

s. But there was a time when I sure was crazy about being with him. I thought

Valley knows as

call her

That's why she knows

o you suppose

th a coyote-proof grave

ince that's the en

so short and if we don't find happiness

ed from the saddle and came to perch on the fence beside Douglas. Her gaze wandered fr

e said slowly, "I get most

d her gaze. "In

a funny person. Reads almost nothing but poetry. She's got on

it?" as

know but

mist and

al and

ish and a

here the ca

se of law

turned fr

ll it E

rs call

ordered Douglas, his e

th o

got religious," he sai

e anything except that beauty i

lean up her door-yar

an't even discuss poetry with yo

cks. O Judith, I'm s

ve something you are crazy about doing. Wh

ight. Judith, don't you think you

oug. Who does kn


n Lost Chief, if I loved him black in the face." Judith jumpe

y resolved that unless Judith gave in to her mother on the matter, he was going with her and his father. But finally h

the start, Douglas and Judith went to call on Little Marion and Jimmy. When they reached the ranch house, they f

uglas. "What's happe

hey were not to know, for at that moment Charleton returned from his wild hors

Why, Marion,

. What l

stallion and some weedy


th his eyes stil

leton," rep

trip, Charleton

tting down on the edge of the bed. "I remember Little Marion was laid up then

the baby. They'll b

matter with

sort of

I don't like your looks.

to tears. "You

pring at Jimmy; but Dougl

. "If things have gone wrong, yo

f here, Doug!" s

ith!" sobbed Marion. "I nee

ed from his chair. "I'd just as soon you'd beat me up, Charl

aring at his prosp

fine one to raise trouble over a situation like this. Strik

ace was cold and hard. "Marion, you a

I'm too sick!"

ick, you get

ght to act so at a time like this. I'll stick by you. Jimmy

ed out of

on, walking over to tak

ut while I have a

use," said Charleton. "Ma

" repeate

exclaimed Douglas, "and then raise the devil when your chickens come home t

with you, for that, young fellow!" He stepped to

n rush at Charleton and pushed him into the kitch

Spencer appeared, closing the o

e of weeks," he began. Then he paused and look

, "and Charleton is trying to drive

ou butt in?"

ecent heart would

n!" roared Charleton. "Judith's

lled John. "

promised Marion

ll break the door d

not go to Mountai

, though his f

away from the rodeo a

out, John, unless yo

ou coming?"

, s

hinges. He rushed into the inner room. Judith, her great

elf, Dad! You put a finger o

Douglas' voice had the o

efying him in public, was quite beyond any effo

eamed Judith. "You are

! You or Char

aped across the room, seized his father from behind and w

is mean? Every one of you get out of he

pishly, Douglas eyi

arleton shook his finger

u to under

any man in this valley can have anything to tell me I want to hear, least of all you, Charleton Falkner? I know your histor

one to John, lighted his own, gave a light to John

skly. "Jimmy, I want a talk with Little Marion. You

ly night, with more than a hint of frost in the

e brought Buster back into the trail for th

as. "A man wants his own women to be straight n

n-" She paused as if words failed her, and they rode their prancing h

tter!" he shouted. "You've go

h. "I'll sic Grandma Brown o

e than Charleton," John went on exci

ed both the young

ake you up to Mountain

. "You're not going to


're not!" s

-night. I told you if you broke that door down I wouldn't go with you, and I always keep my word. I'm not going to

ached the home corral before they did. And John could storm only at the deeply perturbed Mary, for

ttle Marion had a daughter. The dominant note in the reports was one of huge laughter. Judith was serene, and so was

?" she demanded of John, wh

t a

ou kill

s soon as you agree to k

n City

ntended to go with you

ted by to-morrow," roared John

ast night, and now, I wouldn't go with

he house, and Dou

hunt for them,

City rodeos coming. If he thinks I'm going to make a joke of myself rushing round the neighborho

whirling spiral. Douglas went into the house and stood before his father, fa

rotten deal to

ked levelly into each other's eyes. John's expression w

But I'm still master here. There never was a Spencer that didn't rule his own family. Now, understand me. Keep

I'm alive," said Douglas, an

Doug," she said in a low voice. "It's hard on Judith, but she's been very headstrong an

Judith's. Suddenly his tense muscles relaxed. "I guess you are right. I'd

y found the ranch deserted, except for Mary, who pleaded a sick headache and refused to talk. Inez had no such reticence, however, and at the post-office that night Judith's troubles ran neck and neck

on't go crazy

k Day. "Charleton'll be in line by to-morr

unted the sheriff. "I suppose the next th

ly to the center of the hearth. "Be around borrowing my car in two or three weeks, run up to Mountai

der catalogs smoking, his hat on the back of his head, his eye

t in the yard, washing baby dresses, while she stood in the door giving him what for. Jimmy was dribbling cigarette ashes over t

a roar o

doing?" asked Young

the alfalfa stack and he wasn't quoting po

ere was

ill calm him,

one of us will be saying the things to Ch

k. "I suppose Judith's all b

as no

obbing in the Rodmans' c

d better cu

rt; Frank Day, big and keen of eye, squatting as usual against the wall; Young Jeff, ruddy and heavy-set, with his kind blue eyes and heavy jaw. All clean shaven, all in ch

yet, Doug,

went out into the night, whistled to Prince, mount

h a little fire of chips at their feet. Douglas dismounted and came into the fireglow. The li

home, Jude, old

o us a little, Dougl

down. Prince crawled up beside him and went to

s sitting at the post-


strong for you a

ld be bunched with her.

nd then dropped her chin

to give John Spencer a g


e through set teeth. "I'll

ick him," said Doug. "Bu

ce for a moment; then

hat poetry about the Fi


t's a beautiful po

for me, will

t contralto, rep

Douglas' voice was wistful

w as I do,"

as, "that without believing it,

t of it?"

to things, I guess," replied Douglas, heavily. "P

women and a paradise for

," mused Inez. "If you'd just see the beauty all

've been seeing it ever since you told me

las," Inez spoke though

nd get into polit

East has to offer me." He rose slowly, and Inez stared up at him. Tall, slender, straight, his young f

d suddenly, "you'

immersed in he

said Douglas. "W

stay all nig

" said Douglas quietly

g. She'll be all r

with the familiar straighteni

owly to the corral after Douglas. Inez did not move and sho

self as fearful lest snows catch the herds high on the mountains. So Douglas and Judith spent the day bringing in several stout horses fro

ading Sioux

ment corral up on Lost Chief M

mething worth while from Dad for

azy, Jude! Do you suppose I'd help John Spencer do y

to stand by

o me without a grin

and seized Scott's hand and with a sudd

ohn smacked Judith on the cheek. She threw herself on him like a fighting she-bear. John drop

g Diana, her eyes black with anger and excitement, "if

t see anybody spoiling for a fist fight but Judith

of me like that," sneered Scott. "

He gave it back, receiving the lead ropes of th

shrieked Judith. "I'll ride up and

sed her full on the lips. Then, with a laugh, he freed her and returned to his breakfast. Douglas swore under his

hering for the first time since the birth of Little Marion's b

o Mountain City, John," he said. "But, all t

John's voice was truculent, "and it

put up to help Little

"Me, I'm sick of the sound of a woman's n

grimly. "But I'd like to know just what

n did no

to be married?" asked

ll give 'em a party up h

orget. John, do yo

. Everybody's r

Start from your

evening was given over to a discu

orest Reserve. Slowly and with infinite labor and skill, they were sought out and herded down into Hidden Gorge Canyon, b

eir calves from mountain to mountain, with the crisp wind bringing down the frosted leaves of the aspe

of his being. He was coming now into the great strength that belonged to his height and could do his full share of the heavy work. He had thought that, rolled in his blankets, under the star

st day, when a blizzard swept down from Dead Line Peak and the last of the cutting out was finished in blinding snow. Douglas and John

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