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The Mysterious Woman Killer and Her Prey

Chapter 5 Disturber

Word Count: 1151    |    Released on: 29/12/2022

ries of the woman at the party as well as the girl he met. It's not that he doesn't know who the wom


ot and a cup that has brewed tea. The corners of his lips smiled as he signaled the assistant to c

e immediately pushed her body away. His breath hitched. His mind was

istant although she was a little sur

focus, then peck up his assistant's lips again. The image of the girl with sexy lips kept creeping up on him

e was aware and rubbed his face roughly. He's crazy now. While the assistant was again surprised by the

female assistant witho

ster, but she didn't dare to say anything. After that, he immedi

You're not sick, are you asked

ghly and took a deep breath. What

Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first I think

question. Antonio replied laz

then. The good news I'm about to share is that I sa

ne eyebrow. What

of the enemies of our company. They a

ion. After all, they didn't contact the company beforehand.


me comes. You ... Don't

smiled. Okay, he sa


knob turned back. Waiting for his Ma

girl co

, S

nished his work before Desha came to see him. Somehow he wanted to look better in front of Desha. Although ther

r folder, which coincided with the sound of someone kno


yes stared straight at one person who was busy doing something in front of his desk. Sh

arrived. Their eyes met but the expression on their faces didn't change one

he girl in casual clothes gre

ponse then pretended to be bus

t of her who was still doing his job without feeling guilty towards h

special guest who came to see him so he had to serve him as best he could. Especially

the glass. He stepped closer to De

the glass of wine. I don

ooked at Desha right in front of him, pulling up the chair until they

still a

ed me to come just to ask some

distance between them. Staring at the sexy lips of Desha in front of him with interest before

ened her clothes. I think my t

e hand touched his lips which

esha complimented before final

ling the soft taste of the younger Desha's lips. Bold girl, h

irector's room. She looks so calm and not afraid in the slightest. She hates being the main focus of people, but

elevator and disap

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1 Chapter 1 Accused2 Chapter 2 Deal3 Chapter 3 Party4 Chapter 4 Introduce Oneself5 Chapter 5 Disturber6 Chapter 6 Target7 Chapter 7 Connexted8 Chapter 8 Agree To Be In Touch9 Chapter 9 Accompany The Meal10 Chapter 10 Invitate Out11 Chapter 11 Holiday12 Chapter 12 Thump13 Chapter 13 Fail14 Chapter 14 Trying To Convince15 Chapter 15 Go Back Home16 Chapter 16 Start Thinking Again17 Chapter 17 Meet With Antonio's Mother18 Chapter 18 Ask Permission19 Chapter 19 Don't Agree20 Chapter 20 Relationship Key21 Chapter 21 Meet Rebecca22 Chapter 22 My Girlfriend23 Chapter 23 Asleep24 Chapter 24 Browse The House25 Chapter 25 Trying Again26 Chapter 26 Mindful27 Chapter 27 Alone28 Chapter 28 Hide Feelings29 Chapter 29 Ignore All Problems30 Chapter 30 Change Plans31 Chapter 31 Rebecca Message32 Chapter 32 Remember The Original Goal33 Chapter 33 Quarrel At That Time34 Chapter 34 Dark Memory35 Chapter 35 Changes36 Chapter 36 Ignored37 Chapter 37 Antonio Doesn't Care38 Chapter 38 Looking for Trouble39 Chapter 39 Antonio Goes40 Chapter 40 Teacher Joe's Departure41 Chapter 41 Feel Sincerity42 Chapter 42 Gift43 Chapter 43 Gem Ring44 Chapter 44 Brown Box45 Chapter 45 A Beautiful Day46 Chapter 46 Attention47 Chapter 47 Mistake48 Chapter 48 Desha's Abandoned49 Chapter 49 Tempted50 Chapter 50 Desha's Sick51 Chapter 51 Affection52 Chapter 52 Find Data 53 Chapter 53 Ambitious Love54 Chapter 54 Make Decisions55 Chapter 55 Rebecca's Warning56 Chapter 56 Back To Looking For Evidence57 Chapter 57 Control Yourself58 Chapter 58 Annoying Cats 59 Chapter 59 Drug60 Chapter 60 Desha's Departure61 Chapter 61 Days Without Desha62 Chapter 62 Roxanne63 Chapter 63 Miss64 Chapter 64 Glass Reflection65 Chapter 65 Failed Family66 Chapter 66 Marz Miller67 Chapter 67 New Menu68 Chapter 68 Away Back69 Chapter 69 Reopened Wound70 Chapter 70 Long Distance71 Chapter 71 Offended72 Chapter 72 Business73 Chapter 73 Choice74 Chapter 74 Bustle About75 Chapter 75 I'm Unhappy76 Chapter 76 Blood Flow77 Chapter 77 Accident78 Chapter 78 Soundless79 Chapter 79 Recover80 Chapter 80 Rebecca's Concern81 Chapter 81 Wonted82 Chapter 82 After Such A Long Time83 Chapter 83 Tell The Truth84 Chapter 84 Back Abandoned85 Chapter 85 Find You Again86 Chapter 86 Back Together87 Chapter 87 Favorite Lips88 Chapter 88 Morning Bird89 Chapter 89 Feeling Annoyed90 Chapter 90 Cleaning The House91 Chapter 91 Journey Of Love92 Chapter 92 Paper Rock Game93 Chapter 93 Keep Together94 Chapter 94 Back Home95 Chapter 95 Rebecca's Hard Slap96 Chapter 96 Keep Smilling97 Chapter 97 Desha Disappeared98 Chapter 98 Losing Direction99 Chapter 99 Dagger Thrust100 Chapter 100 Carol's Hug