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I Believe In Arranged Marriage

Chapter 5 Luxurious Penthouse

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 29/12/2022

she was looking a beautifully designed ho

elieve that her husba

't realise a young yet beautiful girl

throat to grab Aisha's

reet to Aisha and al

aker of this house." She i

You must be tired" . Meera suggested t

ne in the house and reached to h

t Aisha opened her suit case and start

so she quickly steps in th

out when she found a tray w

ray here?" Ayesha asked her

t to inquired and starts having her

calling her. Placing her plate aside, she clean

oftly but her heart

r in romantic way where she crossed her fingers t

I--- was---" she couldn't

ace between them, nobody was talking

just he said this line, Aisha coughed badly getting sh

rridly said to her and immediately Meera

water... " Meera said,

s taking relaxed breaths and cl

g now?" Meera asked her g

when suddenly door burst ope

r and asked in worried tone, " Aisha! A

taring him blankly because in her

her eyes when Varun signalled

staring eachother when Var

ake care of your

ring on her palms because she

e her look at him and whisper, " say it. Why are you si

Actually, whenever varun talk to her she lost som

and said softly, " Wife, if you won't take care of you

n. Looking her shyness, Varun more tease her by holding and kissing her

said while placing the tray on

hands where she was feeling shy because she was spen

d, very softly but getting little bit scare

tively. Aisha tore a bite of to

their lunch when Varun take her out o

e she was busy admiring the guest room w

ning her eyes who was looking surprised

way, why this guest room is lavish? I mean other bedrooms are not li

va on her question and immedi

bedroom with some special person of my life." Varun gives her clarification

ly changed behaviour but ignored an

went to his study room where told

is going to happen. " She talked to herself while

t picked up but soon she got a whatsapp message

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