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Devil in red

Chapter 2 Who did he think he was

Word Count: 1062    |    Released on: 29/12/2022

lle laughs immediately leaving Copper confused at his words. Did his vocabulary not tally? Or did he make a mistake? He was good at telling what people taught about him in the

said, leaving one of his cards in Michelle's hand and walking out. As the door locked, she let out one sigh of relief. She had this thing all planned. She could remember vividly what happened last night and she could see how it all played. She had her shift that night and she was to serve at the table of those men that needed someone to sleep with for the night. She knew she had to do it or else she wouldn't be paid for the month, after all, she had no one who could help her financially. And did as she was obeyed. When she sat on the sit by the man who kept constantly throwing his money up, she spotted Copper who walks in confused and drenched in fear. His body had little blood stains but no one could notice it because of the red lights that kept moving around in the room. The sound in the bar increased so that one could hear his or her voice. Michelle on the other hand kept staring at this man. She could recognize him the instant he walked in because she was one of those fans that would die to be with Copper the celebrity and billionaire. He sat at the bar table alone while looking hopeless and drowning in his thought. She stood from the chair she sat on and walked to this man intentionally. She wanted to be noticed by him when she had been waiting for him to be fully drunk. The liquor he took knocked him out from knowing what happened after. "Hey, handsome." She flirt with him and he didn't stare at her. Even with a glance, he didn't sell it for her. He placed his gaze on the small that he keep drinking constantly and asking for more. He didn't answer her, well she had to let her play come in handy. "What are you doing here?

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