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My ex-wife is a billionaire

Chapter 2 Dolly whimpered

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 30/12/2022

Lala, here is y

a brown envelope. Lala collec

this family has the right over the estate, only the person I gave it to. So,

d into your name. If you have any problems, contact Edward. He will put you


d, and others rushed toward them. Th

onald died in the ev


been working since dawn and it is alre

ne and also clean up the dishes when they were done. This has be

serve the food. I

kitchen door. She popped her head i

hen was more than she could endu

Give me some minutes and i

in you that made him marry you. Anyway, I can’t blame him much if not that Grandpa made him promise to make you h

ng Lala of how she becam

well lately, but that did not stop her from performing her

idn’t you come in and offer your help?” Lala, who ha

the kitchen. She was furious because this was the first time Lala had raised

onted her once more and delivered multiple forceful kicks to her s

lled herself up. Nadia came to fight

om Nadia and as it is now,

tchen immediately after

d to you, Nad

her cheeks the moment

er why the food was not yet

did w

ked in a

ay your filthy

eyes wetted up as she watched her husband defendi

ce, and now he stood before her to ask why she slapped his stupid sister, Nadia. L

her arms and pulled her back. A bone-chilling cry escaped from her lips which attracted t

go’ she

ser to his arms so that the breath from his nose could fan her. His hands still

d again as she fought back the

hat she hit her waist on the floor. Lala couldn’t hold back the tears in her orifices. She allowe

cularly the women, believed that she had never been

hen you don’t know you

glad that he is tolerating you in this house. How dare you touch Nadia?” Molly, Nadia’s friend,

y and you don’t have the right to speak in that manner to her. Com

y intentionally sat on the floor and pretend

now you are hurting me. How could

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1 Chapter 1 The will2 Chapter 2 Dolly whimpered 3 Chapter 3 The strange man4 Chapter 4 I should let you go.5 Chapter 5 Nancy, I need your help 6 Chapter 6 That will be nice7 Chapter 7 That girl is a gold digger8 Chapter 8 The club9 Chapter 9 The party10 Chapter 10 Whatever you decide 11 Chapter 11 You can count on me12 Chapter 12 Not so fast Nadia13 Chapter 13 Some crabs want to frame me up14 Chapter 14 Are sure you don't want me to come with you 15 Chapter 15 No one steps on my toes and go score free16 Chapter 16 Lala was in town 17 Chapter 17 Done18 Chapter 18 Thank you so much 19 Chapter 19 Lucas, where are you 20 Chapter 20 Think about it 21 Chapter 21 Donald's group is in a great debt 22 Chapter 22 About what 23 Chapter 23 Ellis!24 Chapter 24 Miss Edison hope to work with you25 Chapter 25 Come out useless woman26 Chapter 26 Mother what happened 27 Chapter 27 So, I am now your new assistant 28 Chapter 28 That fool did not deserve her29 Chapter 29 I am sorry ma30 Chapter 30 I am sorry mommy 31 Chapter 31 How dare you play around with me32 Chapter 32 Yes my angel33 Chapter 33 Is that your way of saying good morning 34 Chapter 34 He has to get out fast35 Chapter 35 Andrien 36 Chapter 36 Lala wait ! 37 Chapter 37 Who is Lala 38 Chapter 38 I am sorry Lucas39 Chapter 39 Don't pretend 40 Chapter 40 Why are you so stubborn Lala41 Chapter 41 Mother did you hear what Lala said.42 Chapter 42 How is this possible 43 Chapter 43 Get out44 Chapter 44 Why did you do that 45 Chapter 45 I love you46 Chapter 46 Have you seen Lala47 Chapter 47 What 48 Chapter 48 Why is your face like this 49 Chapter 49 Take your time 50 Chapter 50 Who the hell are you 51 Chapter 51 Your name, please 52 Chapter 52 This is my room53 Chapter 53 Did you see Lucas 54 Chapter 54 When did Lucas become famous 55 Chapter 55 Go and clean yourself up.56 Chapter 56 Take her back.57 Chapter 57 Lala is such a fool58 Chapter 58 You will pay for this59 Chapter 59 I will make you pay60 Chapter 60 What happened 61 Chapter 61 I see62 Chapter 62 I will make it up63 Chapter 63 Dolly smiled64 Chapter 64 Ellis and I will get married.65 Chapter 65 The fire outbreak 66 Chapter 66 The man, on the mask67 Chapter 67 This man is insane68 Chapter 68 Thank you for saving my friend69 Chapter 69 No one knows when70 Chapter 70 You should be the one to care for him71 Chapter 71 Lala does not want to see you again 72 Chapter 72 Poor Jane73 Chapter 73 I can't lift you sir.74 Chapter 74 Sir, I can't drive75 Chapter 75 What if they touch my thing 76 Chapter 76 Why did you soil your clothes like a bad y77 Chapter 77 Yeah fine78 Chapter 78 I am not a coward79 Chapter 79 You perverted animal.80 Chapter 80 Take me to her place 81 Chapter 81 What are you doing 82 Chapter 82 Take us to Royals83 Chapter 83 Take me to room 23484 Chapter 84 She is happy85 Chapter 85 Yes she was the cause of his affliction 86 Chapter 86 If you insist 87 Chapter 87 I loved it.88 Chapter 88 How dare you touch my brother 89 Chapter 89 No way mom!90 Chapter 90 Stop it Nadia91 Chapter 91 Lucas, you can still do something.92 Chapter 92 Take me to the Master bedroom 93 Chapter 93 I want the villa back.94 Chapter 94 I am not selling my villa95 Chapter 95 I don't want to hear that woman's name again.96 Chapter 96 Then go and meet her97 Chapter 97 Let the court decide 98 Chapter 98 In the court99 Chapter 99 I will surely swim here 100 Chapter 100 I will