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GUARDIAN(Undying Love)

Chapter 3 Vow

Word Count: 3924    |    Released on: 30/12/2022

oked at the clothes her friends Aya and An

usiness man and was used to getting what she wanted. She had spent the last two years in and out of universities such as this one. She preferred the night-life and her numerous boyfriends over a solid healthy education. When she

iya ended up he

of her high priced social friends and cut back on her allowance. She was disgusted and angry with him because Liya was everything she hated; inno

iving with someone such as that c

of becoming a Doctor. Guilt overwhelmed her. She began to attend class and with Liya's tutoring, her grades picked up slightly. Not enough to be proud of, but her father noticed. This made her feel like she was actually worth something to him. Something she never thought possible. She credited Liya with this, and was determined to make up her poor treatment of her tonight after serious convincing that lasted days. Although she knew she could never repay what Liya had done for her, she thought she could at least help her with something she knew she was good at. She noticed the way people looked at Liya, especially men. However, Liya was so unapproachable, never making eye c

Aya, they're just not her style." Anna

e makeover they were doing to Liya. She

th her arm in Liya's direction. The dress was too tight, and too revealing for

her to 'shut up'. Being blun

nored her, "It's too

n common than previously thought. Anna also enjoyed her wild weekends as much as she did, yet she was always able to balance her studies with her social time. Liya had met Anna at a study group last year when she was taking some elective classes and th

ya pushed Liya in front of a mirr

h a drastic image change. Maybe we should start with high

, "We'd all be done our degrees by then-

o short, tight and I feel as though everyone can see my breasts!" She tried pulling the material up, just to have it hike higher up on her thigh

wait and see what everyone else is wearing. You'll feel like you're dressed in a quilt. Besides you have a great rack, it's time you started showing it!"

to Liya, "You do look stunning, Liya. Aya did a great job. I may not agree with the extent that she went with you b

nt to hurt Aya's feelings about the choice of wardrobe. Aya was glad that Liya was just too damn nice to say anything and would rather wear the outfit than hurt her friend. She smiled inwardly. Liya stood st

e said s

ke that and you've never worn heels.

aged to smile at Aya's tease, "

heek bones. Aya had always envied Liya's soft pale skin and flawless complexion. She never wore or ever needed to wear any makeup. Aya watched her absently sweep her naturally curly, ebony hair out of her face and off her shoulders so it cascaded halfway down her back. She silently scolded herself for her recently jealous feeling when Liya shot her a vulnerable

re we go

uaintance of Daddy's son is having a bash at his beach house. He's invi

ut this." Liya 's nervousness was evident in her voi

began leading her toward the door. Liya still had a worried look on her face as Aya's words really did

." Anna stated seriously c

it, but it was too late. It was gone. At least it gave him a direction, "make a left up h


eave him be and Nathan wouldn't look at him again. Damon watched Nathan's mouth stretch into a smile of amusem

Damon? What

reets, toward a long line of beach houses, the waves came again, closer, stronger. He glanced through the crowds on the sidewalks, his sharp predatory eyes a

grey brickwork that was well lit and alive with music. Aya could see shadows through the illuminated windows and

lieve I'm d

her arm around her shoulder to reassure her. "It

." Anna

by deer cowering in the brush. Aya felt terrible for her vulnerability. "Trust me Liya, we'll be with you, there is nothing to worr

re reluctantly complying. "I'm not interested

ng Liya to frown, "but just give us this o

y." She sighed

ve in to Aya's pulling on her hand and stepped out of the car onto the brick walk that led to the house. She saw Liya's eyes follow the cab as it pulled away and the grimace on her face when it disappeared. Aya knew that dashed Liya's hopes of escape. "You've made the first ste

ay that led to a large beach house. Another typical Friday

Nathan's voice interru

o the point where he could no longer ignore the hunger. It was actually beginning to overpower the alluring

en it hit him again. It was like someone had lit his insides on fire. "Stop the car!

ble. "My God, Nat

d with surprise scanning the

and long dark ebony curls that wavered slightly with each step she took, he knew she was the source, she had striking resembl

ff her was so intoxicating and enticing that he'd forgotten about one hunger and replaced it with another. His mouth started to water simultane

to to

and mouth the words, 'What's going on?' with her

stretch limousine that Liya was referring to and smiled

tated Anna not masking t

h more enthusiasm caused Anna to scowl at her. I

a said with annoyance lacing her voice, "

omen that his sensitive ears picked up on. Nathan couldn't smell or sense the innocence

ered not removing

ite. I shoul

Damon' hand went to

liar hum of an electric widow tur

s that framed his perfectly masculine face, just added to an already perfect package. His eyes though, were different; a shade of blue? He turned his head in the dim light from lamp, and she couldn't tell. She took a step forward, but stopp

a thick Scottish brogue with

took a step towa

yet, since when did Liya even go near any man? But there she was walking up to him without even hesitating. From Anna's point of view, yes the man was very nice looking, and he was most definitely focused on her friend, but it

. She came to him on her own free will. He could have easily clouded her mind and willed her to do what he wanted, but it was unnecessary. Not that he ever had trouble having women approach him, but this one was untouched and he wa

him for the first time. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard Anna's warning, but shook Anna's hand off, ignoring her qu

flicked to Nathan with an unspoken command, before settling

he wanted, and got out of the opposite doo

wash of saliva and his throat burned to taste her, but he fought desperately against it. Centuries of experience at least gave

skin felt like

r cheek. And he smelled incredible, but she couldn't quite describe it in words. Every time she thought she had the scent pegged, she inhaled deeply and it seemed to change into something more intoxicating.

wer and appeared to have forgotten that she'd asked it. The waves of emotion that he'd found her with was now a steady pulse of attraction whic

hungry and her innocent blood did not help the situation. It took every inch of his being to resist luring her into the car and sample the treasure pumping in her veins. As hungry as he was, he knew he wouldn't stop and end up killing her. What a horri

of him, he sent the thought to his protector who had made his way

her. It was as soft as a petal on a rose. Swallowing anothe

iya. He silently promised. Nathan got back in the car, and he reluctantly tore his gaze and his hand away from Liya and stated to the driver "W

h a smile on his face as the car p

o say the least.

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