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Arranged Marriage: I loved her first (Edited)

Chapter 2 A familiar face at

Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 31/12/2022

rly on her feet again she let

ed this was the second

Jennifer and her cr

him. He probably didn't know who her f

not sure if the girl before hi

't want that face ruined" Jennifer was visibly s

ed out with her crew. May who already picked up her grocery

ke an enemy out of

done sh

ied not sure w

bags from her "Let's

me I'll find her no need to bother your self" May tried t

get your


at of the range rover. Taking the car into consideration you would notice that the guy was well

ere.... You shouldn't have challe

ttempted to do same to you" The guy interrupted her nervous speech. Amanda

I am" May

on't want anything happening to yo

I assure you nothing will

arked in front. They thanked the guy and quickly jumped out hurrying towards the house not


nda directly behind her. They notic

ned the room from her father who was cuffed to the two police officers beside him, the la

d to see her immediat

is all a misunderstanding. I didn't do

ring his words he had

aity Council. You should know that the scriptures condemns l

g different from your wretch of a mother. You had better told her to let my husband go" The wor

another woman and was ex

to tell her...

me?" The woman aske


k to admonish her but she

pregnant lady to rush at May

a moved out of the way and for a moment every

en though everyone in the room clearly saw what happened. The officers quickly carried the woman up to their car before drivin

still frozen. In their quiet neighbour hood some people stood on their porch and watched him being placed in the back seat of the co


pleasantly surprised it was the guy from the Mall and he was talking to some members of the basket ball team. What were the

having explained everything that hap

go say

it was no use cause the next minute Amanda had succ

say being in front of these jocks and basketball player

ssment he made no e

ored. The boys around him took that as the perfect moment to burst into laughter and May coul

ed May backing away some steps. Jennifer and her friends quickly k

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