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The Alpha and His Pet

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 03/01/2023


ing found out about the rumors and killed

said with a witchy grin on my face. "I want him to confro

lexed and concerned

to find out that you were the one who started the rumor. Stay safe. I see

o my best. We'll talk again later. I'm

herself and walke

repare for an unpleasant visit from my father later in the day. I was well awa

y room uninvited just before dinner time. I, on th

to this moment for ten ye

a secret affair before getting mated with someone? How could you allow a human to fuck you?' It was impossible not to hear eve

sserted, as if nothing had happen

me in the same manner that he had killed my mother ten years before. I was about to punch him in the face when his hands went up in the air, and he said softly, "Why?"

was as if he were someone else standing in front of me. He a

killed my mother," I said as I strug

gotten that I was there! "What are you ta

ory? He believed that it was simple to forget about my mother? He

you that day. I was able to witness your cruelty. I witnessed how you mur

ed with all of his might, "the w

. "Don't try to fool me. She is my biological

as he sat on the edge of my bed

ied to keep the truth hidden, but I'm not sure I can continue

was constantly asking, "Please don't tell me that I'm

d me, saying, "no, you're my daughter." He stood up immediately and clos

ind words and fatherly embrace. He

uld explain. I was convinced she was my mother, and I was ready to hate you for the rest of my lif

oman I had ever been in love with. She was a normal human, as well as being beautiful. I had vowed to myself that I would never marry again after her death, but I couldn't. I couldn't stand by and watch you grow up w

received before the day I murdered her. Allow me to go g

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