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Queen Of Chaos

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 3250    |    Released on: 07/01/2023

he has been waiting for since last year has finally come. A smile graces her rose colored lips, and the excitement in her eyes doesn't go could be seen by anyone if they were to see her. Athe

time clothes, she runs out of her bedroom with such excitement. Not caring about the noise she makes. The day she has been longing for is finally here and she doesn't want

to greet their overly excited sister. The three of them join together in a hug, a thing th

dear sister" Th

na tells them an

the middle of her brothers. On the small woode

n first?" Jackson asks her exc

one left of her, which is from Jackson, wh

the best brothers that she knows. Of course, she thinks that both her brothers are equally the best brothers and she lov

kson made himself must have done, as he's found a passion in wood cutting. Without opening the box, she looks at the carvings. By first glance, yo

er. As a sign that Athena is now a teenager and is soon to be wed to someone, as much as that pains the two brothers. To give up their only sister, to a man they barely know is

can feel the love that her brother put into it. Slowly and gently, she lifts the lid off the wooden box and her eyes widen with surprise and

on it. Although, the necklace was not made for her, but for her grandmother. The nec

s so beautiful" She whispe

you put it o

ackson can put the necklace on. As soon as the silver touches h

you jump around and celebrate

their whole hearts. Wiping away her tears, she picks up the box that the Jasper has handed her. It is he

y. Her brother wrapped her in the blanket the night that they fled their birth place. The horrors that they had seen was enough to send them running and they thank the lord every day for no

, patterns of reddish swirls and roses decorate the silver

etty. Thank both of you" She s

t's already the perfect day th

village"Jackson says, noticing that sh

the old sofa, she returns to her room, to change her clothing for the day. Opening her wardrobe, that has the few dresses that she owns and tryi

ss isn't anything special, it's rather simple and that is exactly what drew Athena to it, she doesn't like the rich and fancy dresses, but rather the more simpler ones

mpts to brush her hair. Her bright fire colored hair always gets tangled, not matter how much she brushes over i

until her hair starts to get tangled. She sees a beautiful girl standing in the mirror and in one years time, she will become a woman and married. At the age of seventee

a pair of Mary Jane heels to wear, it is the only heels she has. The other shoes she owns are riding boots which she uses for winter

lways" Jackson says, as he notic

es he can see their mother in her. Though, it h

er so kind" She says wi

y own are small. Athena goes on the white horse with black spots, and Jackson goes on the same horse with

lights. The hooded figure stalks towards the bedroom that belongs to Athena. Taking the hood off, the figure reveals itself to

, he takes a look at the dresses that she owns. Everything in her room is either cheap and it is not good for

fireplace and the gift that he left for Athena on her bed. Though, she might not know him, he knows her. And, he has been watching over her, since her birth and h

gs that they can only dream of having and joked amongst themselves. It might not have been a lot to most folks, but to Athena, this day has been perfect and she's grateful that she got to sh

brother when they're at the stabl

all she wants to do is take a bath to relax. But, then again, her body is also tired and doesn't want to do anything but sleep on her b

says, trying desperately to hide

and helps her off the horse, and carr

journey that they have had. The village is a bit far and can be tiring for the horses to go that far.

rather confused, setting his sister down, Jackson takes his sword and goes to see if there is anyone in the house. Jasper also has his sword in hand, but he

er, even if there was an unwanted guest in the house

e're safe" Jackson

ne. By the look on Jaspers face, he knows that his brother saw no one outside. At least the siblings

them on the cheek. While Athena went to her room to retire for the night, the two brothers, stayed awake. Bo

the candles that hold the only light in the room for the sun has gone down and only darkness remains outside. She walks over to her wardrobe to grab some night clothes. But, as she walks t

p. She's careful to not drop it, and is afraid to even hold for she's not used to having things that are this beautiful. And, if this were made out of crystal or dia

ul to open the box, the lid has a handle that looks like the new types of door knob's. It's round and smooth, yet made out of the same material

d it doesn't even have a source, it's just there. And burning quite beautifully. The flame is small, yet holds so much beau

rise, she does not feel pain, nor does she get burned. The fire is so calm and her eyes can't help but look at it and wonder how such pretty thing o

ming fire. She closes her eyes and she feels safe and well protected. Like nothing on this earth can harm her. And, for a moment, she felt so relaxed that she w

to the flame and it's getting smaller, traveling to her hands, and through her body. She can't deny that this feeling isn't good, she feels wonderful and her whole body feels stronge

y longer. Closing them she nods off into the dreamworld. The fire in the bo

ne, in his kingdom, watched the whole thing happened, with a smile on his face. "Soon, my love. Soon

her fate and her life has been changed forever, nothing can be taken back. For what was given cannot be returned. And the girl that she was will never be again, for there

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