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Neighbors Stalker

Chapter 2 Neighbors Stalker

Word Count: 2447    |    Released on: 07/01/2023

alking because I looked at him, it was the same because he looked like he was confused to go back ins

bes," said

ived there because apart from the up and down of the house, my budget could only afford the rent. I

ame even more of a burden because it added to the thought of Mom and Dad. He already has one child, and his job is not regular either because instead of studying, he

just a child I was the acting sister to my Kuya Luis. Because I have matured thinking and they see

. I immediately reached into my po

two st

ree, it looks like you have

n't think about anything!" Shaking his

nue what he had to say because

country and he supports him. His mom works so she's always quite busy. He also alwa

s a bit of traffic in the morning but th

sity. We immediately proceeded to the

immediately noticed the commo

You're from Ateneo..." Sarah said to

I was absent yesterday so I didn't h

I immediately took out m

ing about?" Jelyss

lways no answer when Prof e asks, because he only

your self, take off those big glasses of yours. Even if you don't have that, you're beautiful. You don't even ha

." I took off my glasses and showed him. But all of a sud

. My female classmates in particular giggled and

Is this section

. I was just wiping my glasses, that's why I wasn't looking at it. He looked at me and s

e sitting here?" it'

glasses. “Did you see someone sitting? Isn't there nothing? So the seat is probably

next to me

ou?" I turned around to s

re talking to?" I

Hi, Gilbert. I'm Jelyssa." He extended hi

he said smiling whil

le... that's why he's like that," said

e nodding. "It's oka

amous here at the University. Nice to meet

nly famous on Facebook, because the pictures tak

mething, Horse?" S

e, I don't think your name suits your face, because you loo

ght! Don't fight

ess of your

less when our Pr

class!” the mal

or Manrique!” everyone g

Mr. Gilbert Sy, have you me

le, I mea

is University? I remember, Prof used to say something, that his nephew owned an airpor

, well gud

lowered my gaze and turned to Prof, but I was still thinking. Next to me is the o

honorably. Don't use other people to get what you want i

right?" he as

nodded shyly. I thi

I went to

?" I asked the teacher sitt

re in his cubic

nd found Sir Harold sitting in his ch

hat you came. Sit down first," h

again for my tuition fee next month. It might be delayed again, because we h

now that this School has only one Mission, that is to provide a way for people who dream of life to advance, and you are one of those people Miss De Leon. So don't stress about paying the tuition fee, because the

great gratitude. Thank you very much." I cried and

, do better,

hinking about paying my tuition fee for a few days now. Mom and Dad got stuck because my youngest

and looked for

re really itchy!” I walked out of the University. Not f

s stunned by m

will take us." It wave

ew transfer is already her boy

I was shy,

g to take us, let's g

door and looked a


with you. I'll just commute,"

te? Gilbert is here! He said

irst. Bye!” I walked away

r what others will think. Then I still h

sa was already at

son already offered to take you, and t

go with someone I don't know? You... you always think too much! Th

ng you, he wants to meet you, he will court y

ou? Why is it not nice to find you, you will respect and take care of y

're looking for a prie

ent upstairs and changed my c

here's n

replied while looking at my whole body in the mirror.

ted, no water!

imes even water fits me. How is the water that was lost there also paid for? The h

arlier, I read them again because I didn't get the explanat

6 pm that's why my stomach is grumbling. When I went down

you?!” I

ost dropped as it turned around in slow motion and it felt like

!" it sai

y went down

doing here? Wh

terrupted what I

d saw him coming o

h and almost turned pale.

on't be OA! Papa Kael is afrai

ou doing in C

g idea, Keana! I-I'm not do

out laughing a

Kael to fetch water, I saw earlier that he was good at lif

body is still sweating as he wears a fitted shirt. It's obviously stretched because there is muscle in his arm, especia

n't miss was his attractive eyes, his dark eyebrows that were quite thick and fluttering eyelashes as if all that was natural. It was too late before I realized that it was a

to be commanded! You are really thick and y

g to help, so hello! He's so smart, I just s

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